ALIVE!! Is it a joke?

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Rosie POV
Really I can't believe it says Rosie in between sniffs. SHES ALIVE I shouted and running to the room Vanessa was in. I was full of joy yippee. Then Michael came in yuck he kissed my sister like crazy.

****2 weeks later***
Vanessa POV
I'm soooo happy to see my friends and family. But we moved its so sadd.we moved from Miami to California like really. I just saw Selena Gomez walked fast. I mean I don't like California I mean all this boys are just Hollywood. And soon imma be going to a school with a lot of them. If u know what I mean...

Heyyyyyy I finally continued and I know it's short but I needed ideas so yah. And I'm gonna update tommorow so peaccceeeeee😚😚😃😌😒😫😫😨😨😫😫😝😃😍😍😒😍😌😌😌 And I'm about to give shutouts also the pic is her dad's private jet there so famous and rich wooooo they got moneeeeyyyy

Rich to Lose to poor(on hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum