Chapter One: The Job Proposal.

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Ben's POV.

Have you ever missed someone so much that you can feel the pain in your chest? That even the thought of them could cause you to break down in tears. That's how I've felt for the past year and a half. Lost. Empty. Losing my mate was the worst experience of my life and watching her body go limp and her face turn into a peaceful expression, tore my heart apart. I try not to dwell on these thoughts. If I did, I'd probably become depressed or go completely bonkers and what would that do to my reputation as the big and tough Alpha? Exactly. I can't afford to ruin that. It's the only thing I have, well except my pack. My brother, Eric has been extremely helpful. He's put up with my dull moods and snappy comments as I mourn but now I'm a bit better. The searing pain in my chest has ceased to a faint ache in my heart, which is bearable. Now, I have business to attend to which I'd much rather be doing than sitting here thinking myself into a state of depression.

Dakota's POV.

I've got used to being alone. If anything it's quite peaceful really but it can get very boring! Sighing, I stretch as I sit up in bed. Bad decision. I'm sitting too close to the edge and fall flat on my bum with a loud thud. I've always been clumsy, a complete and utter clutz! Chuckling to myself I climb to my feet in a similar fashion to Bambi when he first found his feet. Yes, I just described myself as a newly born deer.

I make my way into the small, country kitchen and open one of the wooden cupboards. I have to stand on my tip toes to reach the high cupboard as I'm relatively short, not short short but not tall either. It doesn't help that the cupboards are quite high up. If we'd have lived here when I was little, I'd probably have to climb on the sides to reach stuff.

After scoffing down a bowl of Frosties I wander into my bathroom and hop into the shower. As the water runs down my back, soothing my still half asleep joints I untie my hair from the plait it has been in. My untameable ringlets cascade down my back like a waterfall as I lift the shampoo. I wash my hair with some vanilla scented shampoo and climb out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my slender figure as I enter my cosy bedroom.

Hmm...what to wear today? I'm so indecisive. Opening my wardrobe, I fling different items of clothing onto my bed, I'll tidy them up later, maybe. Peeking out the curtains I see that it's quite good weather today, I'll go for a run, that'll be fun! Ha, that rhymes!

You're probably wondering, you're seventeen, what about school? Well, it's Summer so I'm out of the prison otherwise known as school for a while. I decide on a pair of loose fitting black trackies and a hot pink Nike sports top. I don't usually wear pink but today's an exception.

  After tugging on the previous, plus my underwear and a pair of trainers- I stretch a bit before putting the door on snib and heading out. Nobody's ever round these parts except the wolf pack so I don't have to worry about burgulars.

I start off on a slow jog, keeping my pace even so as not to tire myself out. I've never actually met the leader, otherwise known as the Alpha of the pack but from what I've heard he's not one to be messed with. Rumor's say that he can be quite cocky, bordering on arrogant but also has a charming side to him. The wolf pack have their own family business, as party planners. I quite fancy that as a job. Turning on my heel, I sprint back to the house and grab one of my ready made CV'S deciding I'll pop one through their letter box just in case.

I get to their large, open planned house relatively quickly. Slowing down from my run, I brush a strand of stray hair away from my face. Funny. My hair's in a pony tail yet it still manages to escape. I near the letter box, CV in hand but to my surprise and slight shock a tall, rather handsome man opens the door. He's the only wolf I haven't met. So he must be the Alpha. Startled, I take a step back.

Ben's POV.

My wolf is practically pining as I open the door.


Wait, mate? How's that possible? Jessica died two years ago and she was my mate, my one and only who I was meant to spend eternity with. Jeez, that sounds cheesy. Shaking my head in confusion, I scratch the fresh patch of stubble on my jaw.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I apologize to the young, beautiful girl as she steps away from me. "I'm Ben."

"The Alpha." She nods in understandment. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ben. I'm Dakota, I live in the cabin over there." She nods her head behind her as she says this.

"Is there something you need Dakota?" I ask, it comes out quite rudely but I need to get back inside before my wolf takes over.

This is your mate, Ben! Why aren't you listening to me? This mesmerizeing, breath taking woman who's standing in front of you is your mate and you're being rude to her! You need to sort out your priorities man!

"Yeah, I have a CV if you'd mind taking a look at it?" Dakota asks as she passes me a piece of paper. "I don't have much experience but I'm good at organizing things and I once planned my little cousin's birthday party."

Reading over the CV, I take a few minutes. It all sounds good and even though she's only had one previous job, I feel she'd do well in this job.

"You start Monday." My wolf answers before I could get anything else out. I've just gave a girl I barely know a job at my family business without even a discussion taking place? Damn. My wolf's getting the better of me.

"Oh my word! Thank you so much!" Dakota grins. "I won't let you down!"

With that, she throws her small arms around me in thanks before blushing and muttering 'bye'. She then runs off to finish her exercise.

My wolf is yipping in excitement and happiness at the sudden contact and I can't help but smile like an idiot. I've only just met this girl and I'm hooked the way you get hooked on a good book.

I never believed in love at first sight, not even with Jessica. Yes, there was the attraction but if she wasn't my mate I probably wouldn't have associated with her. Yet with Dakota, she wakens feelings inside me I haven't felt in a long time and I now believe in love at first sight.

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