Chapter Seven: Prolonging the Change.

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Picture of Dakota's wedding shoes beside/above.

Dakota's POV.

A few weeks have passed since Ben proposed and Ben's mother and I have been left to plan the entire wedding except for Ben's suit. Ben claims that wedding planning is a much too feminine thing for an Alpha to do and besides, he's been busy the past few weeks taking care of some important business. Ever since I was attacked by the black rogue, extra measures have been put in order so as to protect the pack and their new Luna, me.

Life as a Luna is treating me well, of course I have my responsibilities and duties as a Luna to take care of, just like Ben and his Alpha duties. I attended a council meeting Tuesday evening, so two nights ago where we discussed funding and protection matters. Wolves will be patrolling the borders at night to assure our pack's safety which means my Alpha Ben will be away in the evenings, leaving a cold patch in the bed where he should be.

Ben says it will all change after the wedding, we'll have more time together but that won't be the only change. When I lose the will to speak, how will that make me look? The oh so brave Luna who can't speak! How am I meant to represent our pack with dignity when I can't even stand up for them? I can't speak so I can't sound brave and I'm not a wolf so I can't fight. I'm a useless Luna.

Sliding down the wall of Ben and mind's bedroom, I sigh frustratedly. Ben is on border control this evening, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The speech therapist I've been talking to has warned me about outbursts of emotion like this, they can strike at any time out of frustration and believe me I've tried to contain them but I can't! Ben sees me as a brave, beautiful Luna when deep down I'm a fragile, weak human.

The bedroom door swings open and I wipe a few stray tears from my face, frantically standing up. Ben walks in and smiles at me before his smile falters, he's noticed. "Have you been crying?" Ben asks as he strokes under my puffy eyes.

I nod meekly, not wanting to lie to him, he's been so kind to me. He asks "What about?" Yes, what have I been crying about? I don't even know! "I don't...." I stutter as Ben looks at me and speaks. "You can tell me, little rabbit."

"I'm t-trying to!" I snap before muttering "Sorry." Ben isn't even shocked at my outburst, to my surprise he smiles softly and takes me hand, leading me to the bed. "This is just something we'll have to get used to, these outbursts aren't your fault."

I break down in tears, sobbing into Ben's chest rather loudly. "B-Ben, I'm scared!" I cry. "It's happening too quick, I tried to remember the word I wanted to say but it's like it's been swept from my mind, I've started forgetting words. That's one step closer to me just speaking a few words!"

At least I don't have Wernicke's Aphasia, that's ten times worse. Sufferers just speak garbled nonsense without even realizing. I should be thankful I don't have that.

"I know and you've been coping so well, we're going to get through this." Ben comforts.

~~~~Later On~~~~

"Why did I ever say I'd be by your side forever? Till death do us part. Death better come quickly because I'm sick of your incoherence and I'm sick of you being my mate." He growls, angry. "You Dakota are the worst mate I could ever be given! It's not even a blessing, more of a punishment!" Ben practically spits at me, disgust clear in his eyes as he takes in the sight of me, scoffing at my appearance. "I'm actually glad you can't speak! I don't miss that annoyingly high whine of yours."

Hearing this, tears roll down my face as I try wipe them away. I don't want to seem weak when he's being so horrible. I manage to string a few words out in reply. "Y-you jerk!" There's so much more I wish I could say though.

"Leave Dakota and never come back! That's right. I reject you as my mate."

I wake up with a start, sobbing quietly as I sit up in bed, whimpering. It was just a dream. A sick, horrible, twisted dream! Ben obviously hears me as he rolls over in bed, cupping my face, a look of worry across his face. "Bad dream?" He asks, wiping away my tears as he too sits up right. I nod simply. "Y-you left me in it, said some horrible things that made my chest ache. T-then you made me leave."

"Don't worry. I'll never say anything horrible to you and I will, never leave you."

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