Iseng aja sih hehe
Red: What type of writer’s block do you experience the most?
- Mood swing 🙂
Kalo ga mood, ga ada ide, terus ga bisa nulisWhite: Are you a supporter/lover of fanfiction?
- Waiya jelas ✨✨✨
Orang saia sendiri bikinnya juga fanfict OwOBlack: Would you want to live in one of the fictional worlds you’ve created?
- OH SANGAT JELAS SEKALI YABlue: What’s more important to you: characters or plot?
- Dua"nya
Kalo ga ada karakter, gimana mau bikin plot
Kalo ga ada plot, ya berarti karakter nya itu tercipta ya cuman tercipta aja, ga bisa 'hidup'
#EAKYellow: What’s a common writing tip that you mostly ignore?
- EYD 🙂Grey: What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
- Cara penulisan pembicaraan/obrolan, atau jenis story nyaOrange: How many projects do you usually have going at once?
- Saia bisa 3, tapi kalo bener-bener ga mood, paling cuman setengah (???)Pink: Which of your characters would become your best friend?
- Tergantung mood (?), Kalau mood saia fuwafuwa, Saia pengen si protag jadi sahabat saia, kalau mood Saia jelek, antag yg bakalan jadi best buddies saia 😈Purple: Which of your characters would become your sworn enemy?
- Same seperti pertanyaan sebelumnya, tergantung moodGreen: Pencil, typewriter, or computer?
- Tergantung sikon, kalo ide nya muncul waktu saia pegang pensil ya nulis pake pensil, kalo pake hape ya hape, same with computersBrown: Do you have a set writing space? Or do you write everywhere?
- Saia nulis dimana aja kena, asal ide nya muncul aja :')Silver: Are you comfortable writing in public places?
- Hmm... Maybe ?
Jarang bgt saia nulis di tempat umum. Mentok paling di kamar
Tapi kalo saia 'nyari sensasi' ya ke cafe (sekalian nyolong sinyal waifi // woi)Gold: Do your stories usually contain lessons or morals?
- Kadang, K A D A N G
Karena cerita saia lebih ke random 👌Clear: Do your characters control where the story goes or do you maintain control?
- Kadang karakternya, kadang alurnya yang saia buatTan: Are you open to co-writing a story?
- Silahkan aja yang mau bantuin saia nulis hehe
Tapi biasanya saia yang malah bantu nulis