Her Story : black tea.

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That evening on an app called 'Sour and Sweet Pie' , the author 'SuganMe' uploaded a story, once again. But this time it's not about yaoi nor fanfic or sci/fi or adventures. The thing is, this unknown Author , who very much likes to keep her identity a secret, except that she's a female, never wrote anything romance. Therefore, when her small followers saw her new story with the genre"Romance", they were all shocked . of course , those who requested for romance a lot from her were all very exited and didn't waste time commenting on it.


236zgan: Author-san, don't scare me like this 😨, is this for real!!?

Lan69whoami: wat is sleep?  I'am reading this 😔!!!!!

896bunny: 3:00 Am in the morning here 🙋, one chapter will not harm me 😗
#blacktea #SuganMe

Icanread: hmm, first romance story eeh 🤔, Iam sure It'll be a sad story,  I don't trust her with happy ending lol 😂😛.

joker12bell: Ayaa!!! Timing is so bad, exam here, this story is uploading in bad timing, can't focus nu. Sry, English is my second language 😌✌.

SuganMe :

Hello everyone, thank you once again for reading this story. Those fans who always requested me for romance is finally here!!!! 🤗
As for whether the story is happy or sad ending I don't know either (or did I 😏) anyway I hope you'll like it and support me till the end. Love SuganMe. ♥♥

Characters :

Narrator : "Christian" FL best friend

FL : "Naomi"

ML :"Christopher".

(Story time)

When oneself tells a story it's always , "I" or "me", but what am about to tell you is bit different. the event that happened , even to me , was like a movie in a cinema, where I was the spectator and the events are displaying on the screen , its a complete story and has every scenes but it took only two hours to complete it , it never shows every seconds or minute the character did but we get the story , what it wants to tell us , it was like that. it was like I was part of it, I was sitting there throughout their whole story but I was not there , because iam not in the story .

Hi I'am Christian, and I want to share a story with you. not my story, but her's.

It's Her Story...

Just by looking at the introduction, fans are getting excited.

[fans :::
Btsrt32: OK this is gonna be good!! 😼*waiting in anticipation

Stayokh36: Author San, is this ur real life story???

Chinamsde56: hmm, suspicious 🤔

2786rukidd:  Y do I have a feeling that it'll be a sad story 😅]

September 10, 20**, The day where it all begin . I was laying on the grass on the public ground outside the college campus. it was September on the north so you could pretty much imagine that day, the weather was mild and warm , sun is hiding behind the dark clouds, the winds were playing with the good old trees and then there are occasional thunderstorms , in fact  far away in the tower you can see the lightnings displaying here and there as if they're playing hide and seek. One second they'll appear and then the next they're gone.

I still clearly remember that day, cause she was sitting beside me. She just finished telling me a story and I was sitting there looking at her. Both hearts feel heavy, silence lingers between us. there's a little bit of tears in the corner of my eyes but there she was, smiling like before, a brave soul wearing smiles through invisible pain. but I know..

Even that day, thought she was calmly sitting beside me. Her short hairs gently swaying by the wind. She was wearing a smile but not reaching her eyes. Those eyes were looking at the towers up on the hill. Her eyes are empty, as if her eyes isn't here, she's looking far, far off the distance, where I, could not reached and touch. I know she's not looking at those towers, with those unfocused eyes I know that her heart and mind is where her heart beats for the first time. The day when she first meet him.



Btsxexo56: Ayuu, tat was very emotional start 😢, can't wait for the next chapter

896bunny: who else thought that our heartless Sama will write like this! 😭👍

Chinamsde56: I'am confused, I felt like I was sitting besides her, and OMG It feel so real 👏😯. Proud of you #SuganMe.

Stayokh36: Ian still suspecting that it might be real life story 🤔🤔😛

*beep* *beep*

Ati was just coming out from the bathroom after taking a morning shower, saw a message on her phone

Msg:( bestie) : hey I uploaded the story here is the link - */////*****.

While opening the link, she went to her kitchen and make a cup of hot black tea.

On the other side.

Gracie put down her phone and continue to fed her son and sometimes her husband Daniel. After they finished with their breakfast, they dropped their son in the Montessori school and then left to their company.

While on the road Gracie ask her husband,

" Should I tell him about her return??"

"hmm, who??", her husband replied.

"you know who", she replied

He husband smiled looking at her and then look back on the road

"Hmm, lets just leave them be this time, these two human beings are idiots, a quiet and a coward ,it's been ten years already, we helped them a lot, if they cannot help themselves, even if we sacrifice our life, they would never do it, for God sake it's only simple three words ''I love you'', what's so hard about it!!!!"

"Tsk, ironic coming from you!  you were not very different from them ,you took seven years to confessed to me " she humped.

"But still here I'm, marring the love of my life and have a beautiful son together with her on the age of 32, and look at them!! not one making a move nor even moving on, idiots" her husband laughed.

She playfully slap at her husband's shoulder. she sigh looking out the window, she thought,'I just wish they'll get together this time'


Author's note : I hope your not confused with the story . It has two different stories. One (bold letters) is written by Ati's (our FL) bestfriend (Gracie) on online under the name 'SuganMe'. and then our real story outside the story (lol). I hope it clarifies your doubt. I am still struggling with the composition I hope you don't mind. and since I've rewritten it a hundred times over and over, some comments may not make sense, I'am sorry about that AND I'm not deleting those comments cause they are the word of supports from my first readers so again I hope you'll understand. thank you all once again.❤

Her Story : Black Tea (Discontinued And Will Be Re-written Entirely)Where stories live. Discover now