Chapter 6

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"Mr F/N! What do you think was Ground Zero's intention?"

"Is it true that ground zero abused and tortured you?"

"How did you escape?"

The cacophony of questions by the reporters drowned you as you made your way out of the hospital. You have always been uneasy when it comes to crowds, so the tense atmosphere activated your quirk. You can feel your scales form and trickle from the side of your face. You tried to shield what you looked like by pulling your hoodie down when you notice a reporter slip out from your father's bodyguards and placed a mic near your mouth. As you raised your head, you immediately notice the reporter's gaze turn from excitement to terror. After all, your quirk was active. 

"Sorry I can't control-"

You didn't finish your sentence when you felt someone grip your hand. It was Shoto.

"He is going to have an official interview with the press soon so there is no need for more trivial questions."

Shoto's presence silenced the journalists. After all, despite being only a 3rd year student, Shoto has been recognized in the superhero society because of his achievements and contributions the past few years, not to mention being one of the top 3 of UA and the son of the current number 1 hero Endevour.

"I'll see you at school F/N."

Shoto said as he walks you to your father's SUV, his hand cold to the touch yet you feel warm holding it.

"Thank you Shoto." 

Your head was still down. Your quirk has not subsided yet.

You sat next to your father. His presence felt cold. 

"You have good taste in friends F/N. I heard a great deal about Todoroki Shoto. Keep surrounding yourself with achievers. It is good for your image."

You heard your phone notification ring. It was from Shoto.

(Your fangs look cool.)  - Todoroki

You felt your heart pound reading his message.

"Yeah, Todoroki Shoto. He's alright."

You smiled at the thought of Shoto sending you that text. I bet he did a lot of thinking before pressing send.

"Back to the matter at hand. I trust that you know what to tell the press later. You have to make it clear that the company did everything it could to rescue you. After all, your disappearance did not help when you suddenly appeared at our front gate. I do not want you to mention the ransom, instead I'd like you to mention how Endeavour fought Ground Zero but escaped."

"Yes father." 

The words your father uttered felt like a dead breeze. You felt like a commodity, he never even asked what you felt during your disappearance. 

In the study hall at your mansion you see the news network logo. This is the real deal, you thought to yourself as the reporter gestured for you to sit on the chair across him.

"Don't feel any pressure kiddo, just talk to me like how you would talk with a friend alright?"

As the interview commenced you were bombarded with trivial questions that you answered according to your father's instructions. The charade ultimately led to what the people want to know, and why you're being interviewed in the first place. The question.

"So Mr.F/N, tell us, who was the villain behind all this?"

Thoughts rushed over your head like a strong wave. You realized you cannot tell the press about Ground Zero. Who will take care of the orphanage? You knew Bakugo only asked for the ransom money for the sake of the children's welfare. Sweat trickled from the side of your cheeks and you felt your heart pound. What will your father think?

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