Chapter 9: I'm Too Pretty For Prison

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"He wants the mirror mineria thing, or however you say it," Chad said, trying to calm down.

At least they moved him to the headmaster's office far away from the hoard of werewolves that had come out of nowhere when he was taking a simple stroll to deliver the note.

Instead, he only had five scary people to deal with. Hope, Lizzie, the Indiana Jones guy, the vampire with the big hair, and the werewolf alpha.

He especially feared the alpha one. Not because he was a wolf, but because Ted could take him over at any minute. Chad didn't want to say anything wrong in front of him just in case.

He was surrounded. They let him sit in one of the chairs. The headmaster sat in his chair with Hope and Lizzie standing on either side of him. The wolf was in the other chair next to him turned to face him, with the vampire standing and leaning against a bookcase.

"The mora miserium," Alaric provided, patience wearing thin as the day wore on and his daughter still wasn't home.

"Yes, that," Chad said. "He knows you guys plan to get another one. He wants it. Then he'll let her go."

"He couldn't just use his own Prime account to find one?" Lizzie asked, exasperated.

Deep in thought, Hope tried to understand why the Necromancer wanted a sand clock.

"How did he know you guys were going to look for one?" MG asked.

"A spy..." Hope supplied, trailing off still in thought. Everyone looked at her and she realized she needed to provide them more than that. "This really gross eyeball thing was spying on me and Dark Josie. She destroyed it." Right after she asked Josie to return their memories again.

"He knew she was going to return the memories," she said aloud. "That's how he knew he could get to her. He waited 'til she cast the spell so she would pass out."

"But how did he get into the school to take her?" Alaric asked. "And how come he didn't bring the note himself?" Or at least drop it off with a little more of his usual pizzazz.

Everyone turned to stare at Chad again.

Chad shifted. He went to reply, but he couldn't. Not because some force was stopping him, but because the alpha was still there. He couldn't chance giving away anything Ted didn't want revealed.

"He wouldn't have sent you if he could just pop in and do it himself," Hope said thoughtfully. "Which means he can't..." He would trip the school's wards, alerting everyone to his presence.

"Which means someone else took Josie," MG realized, leaning forward.

"There's another spy," Alaric concluded.

Rafael looked down, remembering the dirt on his feet earlier that morning and the unlocked door. He touched his side where the cut was still very visible. The Necromancer had taken over Cassie last year, bringing her back to life, and making her do things she couldn't remember doing...

His eyes shifted up to Chad's.

Chad averted his eyes when the alpha's met his.

Wondering if that was confirmation enough, Rafael felt the color drain from his face as he tried to remember what he forgotten. He didn't remember dying, but...had he?

"Who is it?" Lizzie demanded, slapping the desk and glaring at the human.

Chad refused to say anything else, though he cringed away from the angry blonde.

"It's not anyone in this room, is it?" Rafael asked. He could feel everyone stare at him in surprise. Clearly none of them thought that was a possibility. They didn't know what he knew though.

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