The Adventure Begins.

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"I AM HERE! ALL MIGHT, THE MIGHTY RANGER TRAINER! To get all of you fresh trainers up and running, allow me to remind you what you will be facing up against!" A Blonde man buff as hell shouts with a pose on screen. An assembly of kids at the age of 12 all gathered around in a giant room, facing the said screen. They all varied hair colour, from dark blue to black to half red and half white to yellow with a black lightning bolt.

"In this world, as I am sure you all know, creatures called Pokemon that inhabit it. They are just like us, living their own lives and goes through many obstacles. The thing is that Pokemon constantly changes and we are still learning more about them. Like today, I and my team found a new pokemon which we called Zygarde. However, try as we might we don't have enough time to know all of it. So that's where you all come in. Each of you will be given a brand new state of the art Pokedex, a device which allows one to learn about Pokemon. Unlike the old version, this one allows you to know everything about a Pokemon just by scanning it. But make sure you scan it entirely. Anyway, that is all I have to say, cause I am busy with my new project on TWO new Pokemons. Till then, I WILL SEE YOU ALL LATER!" All Might shouted as he waved at the screen and left as the video stops.

A man who looks like he lost the will to live walked up and cleared his throat before speaking. "Well All Might forget one thing, but I will gladly explain it." He said as he says gladly sarcastically in his mind. "Should all of you want to compete in the World League, all of you will have to challenge all 10 gym leaders. Just know that on your journey you will have to deal with other trainers and it is best to make a bond with your Pokemon. For those going for the Performances, you have to get 5 keys and pass the master's class. That is all, so all of you follow me to get your starters." He said as he walks out of the building with the 40 student assembly follows him.

There are many kids here, all with dreams. The main thing that everyone, including Professors, hyped up for is the Pokemon World League. Everyone across the world come together and battle each other for the title of World Champion. Some were more on the journey to be the Pokemon Queen through the master's class. One, however, was not planning on either of these. This was Izuku Midoriya; a prodigy with the intellect to rival the Pokedex itself, making him quite the legend. His dream is to meet as many Pokemon as he can and learn more about them.

"Hey Midoribro, what Pokemons do you think we're gonna get." A kid with spiky red hair and a toothy grin asked our protagonist. "Well, we are going to get either many variation of water, fire and grass type Pokemons so we will see Kirishima," Izuku said as he walks past him. Izuku knows more about Pokemon then how to talk to anyone else and he HATES socializing.

The group of kids stopped at a large containment building where they see a major piece of a forest, mountain and plains altogether.

And they hear the many cries of Pokemons and they see many starters, such as a black cat with big red lines and red mouth (Litten), a baby penguin that's blue and has a yellow mustard beak, (Piplup) and a four-legged creature that is blue-green and has a bulb on its back (Bulbasaur). Izuku scanned the area and see that some of the starters are not present.

"As I am sure for what Midoriya sees, some are not here cause they are in their natural habitat. You have to find them yourself. Also Todoroki, your father sent you these." Aizawa said as he tosses two pokeballs to the half n half kid. He caught them and it opened, letting out two adorable foxes, one white and the other red.

"A Kanto and Alolan Vulpix," Izuku says as Todoroki pets both of them. They cried in joy softly as they leaned to the touch.

And now the boy was petting both Vulpixes with no signs of stopping.

"Anyway, here are the pokeballs you need to catch them. So get going." Aizawa said as he sat next to the grass sipping on a mug of what may be a coffee mix. "Alright then, so Midoriya what... starter is... you gonna get..." Kaminari said looking with everyone else to where Izuku was. Keyword being 'was' as he isn't there.

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