Battle Time!

436 12 10

Maractus Town,

Izuku Midoriya,

Froakie (Xavier)

Fletchling (Robin).



Izuku's eyes shot open as he sees a Fletchling, only that this one had a yellow damp colour instead of the grey-white underbelly. He knows this bird and he narrows his eye at it, as it chirps at him like its innocent. 'You are anything but Innocent.' Izuku thought as he blinks and the Fletchling pecks between his two eyes.


Mandalay, who is at the bar, chuckled at what happened. 'Ah Talon does his morning waking up ritual on Izuku, when will Kota wake up?' She thought as she sips her coffee, reading a report her boss gave to her. She soon heard a kid screaming,


She chuckles, which stops as she heard something that she shouldn't. Things falling and crashing around, followed by Fletchling sounds coming in like a machine gun.

Fletch Fletch Fletch.

Fletch Fletchling.




"Hold up!" Mandalay said as she walked to the door and when she opened it, Robin and Talon came out and started to fly around with Talon trying to dodge Robin's attacks. "I'm so sorry auntie- ROBIN STOP!" Izuku said as he grabs Robin and clasped his hand on the bird.

Izuku clasped his hand like a crocodile chomping, with Robin's head being the only thing exposed. Talon sat on Tigers shoulder who chuckles at Robin, with Mandalay awing its cute positioning. It let an annoying chirp as it gave up, while Kota caught up with the group only to fall on the floor exhausted.


Izuku let out a sigh as he pulls out a Pokeball to which Robins goes in. "Well, that's morning," Tiger said as he pulls a pair of clothes, bag and shoes out of nowhere. Izuku stared at him before grabbing his stuff and went into the bathroom and when he got out, he was in his adventure clothing. "Well every morning has its uniqueness, so guess this one isn't new or something odd," Kota said as he got up, still wobbly from the activity, as Izuku came and grabbed the glass of milk which he drunk in go.

"Well, where are you going to go next. If I recall there are two gyms to face before you can get to the other part of the region." Tiger said as he points to a map which showed which town had gyms. Izuku lived in the part of the region which is called 'Villas' and despite being the smaller part of the region, it had five towns. Two have the gyms, the other two are just there for shopping and the last one is for deporting town, aka the town where they can leave the Villas to the other parts of the region which has the rest of the gyms and even more towns.

"Well I'll be going to Cantivum to get the next gym badge," Izuku said as he pulls up his left hand which had a watch on his wrist. The watch had a screen on it with a narrow semi-circle on the side, with buttons on the top and bottom. This is called the PokeTech, a watch that can act as a navigation system, a map system, Pokemon status system, PokeFinder app to find Pokemons and finally a step counter to count how many steps for the Trainers who love to jog every morning.

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