Team Genesis

424 13 27

Route 3

Izuku Midoriya

Froakie (Xavier)

Fletchling (Robin)


With our protagonist, he was walking down Route-3 along with his little brother and the rest of his classmates. It was a shining day with many Pokemons running about, living their lives peacefully.

Well as peacefully as they can without Mina chasing after them like a crazy girl.

"Mina, can you stop scaring all of them!?" Ochako shouts as Mina turns to Ochako. "But they're so cute!" She said as she points to a Zigzagoon who was afraid of the pink hair girl. "Even if they are cute, you should respect their privacy." Tsuyu said as she puts her finger to her chin, making Mina sigh as she leaves the Pokemon to their day.

"Are we there yet?" Tooru asked her shoulders dropped. Izuku stops and turns around to see that Maractus town was still in view. "We just left Tooru. It's going to be a long trip." Yui said with her Chimchar nodding as well. Kota was walking with Izuku as Talon slept on his hat while Xavier was chilling on Izuku's hood while Robin flew ahead and around the group.

Izuku eyes moved around the surroundings; from the trees, grass and Pokemons to Momo's curious gaze. 'Wait, Momo?!' He thought as he turned to see Momo leaning forward. "Hey, what's up?" Izuku asked as Momo pointed towards a patch fo grass. It had flowers, a river flowing nearby and few trees for shade. But the main thing that was eye-catching was all the types of Pokemons running around.

The group caught their gazes and they all big smiles. "Look at all of those Pokemons!" Kota shouted as Talon woke up and saw what everyone was looking. Izuku looks around to see a dog like Pokemon with grey fur, black fur on its paws, face and underbelly. It has a red nose, red eyes and small fang teethes jutting out of its mouth. Another Pokemon he saw looked like a living mushroom with a creme base with green spots around and a green lower part. And one more Pokemon he saw which was a big fish with red scales, yellow top and bottom fins and white side fins and white coloured tail.

Kota brought a device that looks like a red rectangle. It opened and expanded to reveal an interactable screen. He points it in the direction of the three Pokemons that Izuku found and the device starts to scan it. "A Poochyena, Shroomish and a Magikarp. Well two of them are good, Magikarp is pathetic." He said as Izuku smack his head lightly. "Ow, what?" Kota said as Izuku crouch down to his level and took his device and swipe to show a Pokemon named Gyarados which was giant snake Pokemon with blue outer scale body and a creme underbelly with a large mouth and red eyes.

"Magikarp can evolve into a Gyarados, which is one powerful Pokemon. Just because one Pokemon is weak doesn't mean that it stays weak forever. They can grow into even more powerful forms, while some can evolve into two more powerful forms and Et-Cetra Et-Cetra." Izuku explained as Kota nodded in understanding. As they look up, they find a peculiar scene.

Bakugou was standing up proud as heck while holding a Pokeball, Jirou was laughing at Kaminari holding the Magikarp, who seems to be caught by him, while the Shroomish was by her leg. "Well they got them first, but no worries. There are more out there." Izuku said as Kota looks at him in admiration. Even if he did not get the chance to catch them, he still kept an upbeat attitude.

"Well, we should be going right now," Momo said as her Starly perch on her finger and chirped happily. Izuku nodded as he turned around, only to get surprised when he sees a kid with black hair, blue eyes, and wearing typical outdoor clothing. Izuku jump back as Kota let out a small scream from the sudden appearance of this kid.

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