First Wild Battle, a new friend and Maractus Town

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Route 1;

Izuku Midoriya;

Froakie (Xavier).


Walking down the road, Izuku breathes in the air. On his shoulder, Xavier was looking at everything. He already knows this area quite well and that because all the previous trainers were boring or didn't care for him whatsoever. "Well let's get a going Xavier. I think we may need to get look for more pokemon, so you up for it?" Izuku asked Xavier who nodded.


"Alrighty then. Let's search for another friend." Izuku said as he looks around and heard a sound.

Fletch Fletch.

"That's a Fletchling I think? Let's check it out." Izuku said as he runs to the source of the sound. Upon reaching, he sees a bird pokemon with a red-dyed head, black beak, white-grey body and black talons and legs. It was flying around, sometimes charging at the tree with its beak shining and making a small explosion upon impact.

'That's odd?', Izuku thought, 'Fletchling's aren't this energetic to train. They're usually peaceful, the evolution form of it the one that's supposed to be like that. So why is this one the opposite?' He walked closer to the Fletchling. It quickly landed on a branch and turned to Izuku's direction. Tilting its head, it eyed at Izuku who stops and looked at the Fletchling with curiosity.

"Hi there buddy," Izuku said as he walks closer to the tree, looking at bird pokemon who flew to the ground. Xavier gave his greetings to it and the Fletchling return the gesture as Izuku sat down.



The Fletchling hopped back, which was adorable for Izuku, and turned around. It gave an aggressive cry at Izuku, spanning its wings out. "You want to fight me?" Izuku said as he got what the Fletchling was signalling.


"Alright, Xavier lets go!" Izuku shouts as he puts his hand out and Xavier hopped from the shoulder to the arm and jumped to the ground giving his cry as well. 'My first official pokemon battle as a pokemon trainer.' Izuku thought with a smile as the Fletchling flew into the air, flapping its wing to keep it airborne.

"Alright, Xavier Quick Attack!" Izuku shouted as Xavier lunges at the Fletchling with white energy surrounding him, then he jumps and hits nothing. "Huh!?" Izuku said as he looks around. His eyes caught something darting around. 'There it is!' He thought as he keeps his eyes trained on it. "Xavier quick, use Bubble!" Izuku said as he punches the air.

Xavier looks around and locks his eyes on the speedy Fletchling. He turned to his left and let out a hailstorm of bubbles. They all hit something and the Fletchling came crashing down. It was the Fletchling who was getting up, not bothering the damage from the move. It ruffles it's feathers as it looks around to see Izuku holding a blue round berry on his hand. "It's an Oran Berry, it can heal you up." He said with a smile. It hopped slowly to the berry and peck it with its beak, eating pieces of the berry.

Fletch Fletch Fletch.

"Huh?" Izuku said as he looks up to see other a bigger bird flapping its wings above them. The bird was far larger than the smaller Fletchling, with similar features to the Fletchling but the difference is its wings and tail are black instead, with the wings having a yellow underside. "A Fletchinder," Izuku muttered as it made a cry.

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