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Tabbes: ok so um plan * pulls out his phone and types in how to get people in a relationship*Tabbes: nothing ok then umm, we ether invite them to a nice place and I come along and make sure nothing happens, get them to know each other better, or w...

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Tabbes: ok so um plan * pulls out his phone and types in how to get people in a relationship*
Tabbes: nothing ok then umm, we ether invite them to a nice place and I come along and make sure nothing happens, get them to know each other better, or we
think of better plans.....
Tabbes: I guess we spin the wheel again

Tabbes: ok I know a great place I just have to invite them

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Tabbes: ok I know a great place I just have to invite them...
*tabbes starts looking for zaps and finds him*
Tabbes:hey zaps?
Zaps: what is it?
Tabbes: wanna come with me to gloom forest?
Zaps: sure I have nothing better to do
Tabbes: ok great *starts walking away*
*tabbes starts looking for lily and finally found her*
Tabbes: hey lily!
Lily: what do you need?
Tabbes: wanna come with me and zaps to gloom forest?
Lily: sure!
Tabbes: ok thanks bye* starts walking away*
Lily:ok um, bye?
Tabbes: the plan is going great!

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