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Tabbes: I'm not so sure about this

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Tabbes: I'm not so sure about this......
*Tabbes got a bit closer to shadow*
Tabbes: shadow?
Tabbes: shadow?
Shadow: FRESH
Tabbes: shadow?
Shadow: MEAT
* shadow jumped on Tabbes and within those few seconds he ripped of Tabbes left arm*
Tabbes: Aaa F*ck
Sprinkles: oh sh*t
Sprinkles: quick someone stab shadow!
*lily ran up to shadow and cut him in half with the huge chainsaw attached to her arm*
Lily: oh god I killed him!!
Sprinkles: you didn't, he's fine
*shadow changed back to his normal self and everyone was surprise when they found that he was still asleep, sprinkles also healed Tabbes arm*
Tabbes: that was the worst experience in my life
Zaps: just be happy your still alive
Lily: we should go back now
Sprinkles: nope we're going to continue on
Pop: your joking two people were almost killed
Sprinkles: theirs gotta be a reason why this is happening
Tabbes: I say we continue
*as nervous as they were all of them agreed to continue on*

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