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Tabbes: oh alright, since I've never actually witnessed a couple together I don't know what flirting looks or sounds like, also they may look innocent but they are actually very violent when they're hella mad

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Tabbes: oh alright, since I've never actually witnessed a couple together I don't know what flirting looks or sounds like, also they may look innocent but they are actually very violent when they're hella mad...
Tabbes: they're walking again, I gotta start following them again......
*tabbes jumped tree to tree making sure not to fall*
Zaps: here we are!
*lily got off of zaps*
Lily: yes! Isn't this place beautiful!
Zaps:yep it really is!
Lily: hey Zaps?
Zaps: yea?
Lily: I know that we known each other for a while now 
Zaps: yea?
Lily: and I was too afraid to tell you at first but...
*zaps looked at her in confusion for a while before she spoke*
Lily: I love you......
*tabbes has been listening and was very excited*
Tabbes: oh god, this is exciting
Zaps: wait really!?
Lily: yea, I was just too scared to admit it......
Zaps: I love you too!
*they both stayed silent for a while*
Lily: so does this mean we're a couple now?
Zaps: I guess it does
Tabbes: yes!*falls out of the tree*oop-
Zaps and lily: tabbes!?
Tabbes: hey there
Zaps: you we're watching us the whole time?
Tabbes: yes?
Lily: come on let's go
*they soon leafy the forest*
(I've never actually written a love story before so please don't judge me......)

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