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Tabbes: it really isn't an Ava hunt, more like a hunt of a secret that Ava has been keeping from us!

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Tabbes: it really isn't an Ava hunt, more like a hunt of a secret that Ava has been keeping from us!

Pop: yeah!Lily: come on let's g-Zaps: wait, doesn't shadow normally patrol the whole area at night?Sprinkles: that's true, we'll just have to avoid him

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Pop: yeah!
Lily: come on let's g-
Zaps: wait, doesn't shadow normally patrol the whole area at night?
Sprinkles: that's true, we'll just have to avoid him...
Cookies: what happens if he catches us
Sprinkles: don't know really...
Alright let's go!
* one by one they walked out of the training area when they saw it was safe*
Lily: let's contin-
Sprinkles: wait, shadow is right there!
* everyone looked at the direction she pointed at, and there he was sitting down on the grass field*

Zaps:Alright let's go!* one by one they walked out of the training area when they saw it was safe*Lily: let's contin-Sprinkles: wait, shadow is right there!* everyone looked at the direction she pointed at, and there he was sitting down on the gra...

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Sprinkles: oh god, he's blocking the entrance of the forest....
Lily: maybe we should go in from another side of the forest?
Cookies: is it just me or is there a puddle of blood next to him?
Zaps: yeah, I think that is blood
Sprinkles: someone go to another side we're we can see his face
* Tabbes walked to the side hoping that he could see shadow's  face*
Sprinkles: Tabbes?
Tabbes: what?
Sprinkles: are you ok, can you see his face?
Sprinkles: is he asleep?
Tabbes: I can't see his face
Lily: what do you mean?!
Tabbes: I just can't see his face!
Zaps: you can literally see his face at the side your at!?
Tabbes: he doesn't have a face!

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