storys are hard to write ok

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It was the night of Christmas and it was so shucking cold. I was laying in my bed by the wall. Alby and Newt decided they wanted me away from the others since I was the only girl and because of the tally incident, but they didn't want me in the homestead because they wanted to to be able to reach me fast if anything happened. so I laying in my bed with my blanket on shivering while listening to the sound off the walls moving. usually it wouldn't be so cold but the snow made everything colder plus there was snow in my bed so ya I was freezing. I was facing the wall when I heard footsteps in the distance. I turned over to see newt walking over.
"Hey lilly" he said when he got to me. I sat up on my make shift bed only to make it flip causing me to fall into snow.
"Hi" I said still siting in the snow.
"You cold" newt said laughing. I shot him and evil glance but laughed right after.
"Yes newt I'm shucking cold now what do you want."
"I got Alby to move everyone to the homestead for the night since it is warmer it's not warm but it's warmer then out here, so come on we are not leaving you out here" he said putting his hand out to help me out of the snow I forgot I was sitting in. I grabbed it and he got me out of the snow. We walked to the homestead in complete silence.
"We still need to get you a job we can't have you be a free loader much longer." newt said when we got to the homestead.
"Can I be a chef" I said remembering the day I worked with frypan.

*flash back*

"Lillian can you grab the flour" frypan said. I got the flour and watched him as he cooked it looked really fun and it was the most appealing job. much better the killing poor animals or building. I ended up making cake that day by myself.

*end of flash back sorry it sucks but read the title*

"Sure frypan could really use the help to plus you make really good cake." newt said making me smile.
"Thanks newt" I said as Alby walked up to us.
"Lillian is it ok if you sleep upstairs all the boys will be down here" Alby said.
"Sure thank you for moving me away from the boys" I said smiling.
"No problem newt can you show Lillian to her room." newt nodded I grabbed my hand, walking me up stairs.
"See the you in the morning" i said when we got to the room I would be staying in.
"Wait Lillian why didn't you want to be a runner you've said multiple times that you loved running." newt said when I was about to go inside.
"I wouldn't be able to see you everyday if I was a runner" I said laughing like it was easy to know.
"What!?" Newt said surprised by what I said.
"Night newt" I said going in my room all the way leaving newt in the hallway.

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