Project Kevin Hansen

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I got ready for 'the job' and grabbed some guns for me and Lapis.

"Hey Lapis, you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, lets go, it's gonna be dark so, it will be perfect" Lapis said smirking.

We slowly made our way to a bar, because he was extremely drunken.

"M'kay, so he is right there, his house is towards the ally. So we kill him in the ally, and he won't know what hit him!" Lapis said with intermission.

"Okay, sounds like a plan, now let's rush over there before anyone sees us!" I whisper yelled.

We got over at the ally way and waited for him.

Kevin Hansen, aka the gang leaders son. He is the new gang leader and you need to kill him! He is 21 and we need him gone!

He walked over to the ally way, that's when a man came with him, and we suspect that to be his boyfriend. Jamie.

Jamie Philips, Kevin's boyfriend/ bodyguard. Jamie is a very good fighter and the next one we were supposed to kill..

"Shit! We've gotta get out of here!" I whisper yelled.

At that minute Jamie came out of no where and tried to attack. Lapis dodged it and grabbed my hand and ran. She pulled me into a smaller ally way.
Our bodies where touching and I blushed. When Lapis saw Jamie pass them she let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close huh?" Lapis asked, then noticed how close our bodies were and blushed.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean for us to be this close" Lapis said nervously.

I smirked and kissed her, she kissed back and wrapped her arms around my waist. She bit my lip begging for an opening. I let her tongue take advantage and simply went along with it. She pulled away and start biting my collar bone. I let out a soft moan and Lapis smirked and whispered in my ear.

"Wanna take this back to the apartment?~"

I smirked and said.

"Sure Lappy~"

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