IV. Conflicted

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It had been a week since Daella had arrived at the lion's den. The wedding was set tomorrow yet she had never met her betrothed. Whenever Jamie was asked to make himself present, he would make up excuses to avoid it.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, grandmother?" Margaery whispered outside of Daella's bedchamber. "I don't think little sister is ready for this."

"There is no need to worry, my dear," the Queen of Thorns replied. "Jamie Lannister lost his hand, not his eyes. Once he and Daella are wed, he will soon be preoccupied with her. And with that, it leaves Cersei alone and defenceless." She then used her walking cane to knock on the thick wooden door. "Daella dear, have you woken up yet?"

Daella looked terrible. Her eyes were red and puffy from the lack of sleep. Her hair was a mess but she did not bother to do it. She even lost a few pounds from the constant not eating.

"Oh my, you look like a ghost," Olenna Tyrell commented as she found her youngest granddaughter slouching in the corner of the room.

Margaery gave her a sympathetic look. "Chin up, little sister. You are going to be the Lady of Casterly Rock."

"What's good about that stupid Rock," Daella grumbled. The idea that she was going to spend the rest of her life with a complete stranger was terrifying. "What if he is not a good husband? What if he is cruel or abusive? What if he has some bad habits that I don't like..."

Olenna scoffed as if she could hear Daella's thoughts. "It's just marriage. It's not like you have to talk to him. Do you suppose your grandfather and I loved each other?"

"You don't?" Daella looked at the old woman skeptically.

"Of course not!" Olenna exclaimed. She then began to lecture the young Tyrell about the notion of marriage and how it was needed to secure their House's power, but Daella paid no attention to her. This continued for the rest of the day.

That night, Daella could not sleep again. The constant tossing and turnings were driving her mad and there was only one place a Tyrell could go to draw comfort. Putting a cloak over her nightgown, she sneaked off to the garden as quiet as a mouse.

The garden of the Red Keep was surprisingly pleasant though none can beat the ones in Highgarden. The tall dark trees spread dappled shadows across a small tinkling stream. There were no people at this late hour of the night only the full moon that hung brightly in the dark night sky. Daella took a couple of turns in the maze-like structure before concluding the fact that she was lost.

"Great." She kicked a small pebble out of frustration as the sound of swordplay caught her attention.

Jamie Lannister knew he needed training when he lost his sword hand. He and a sellsword called Bronn would train when everyone was fast asleep as he did not need any witness to learn how inept a swordsman he had become.

Daella watched quietly as Broon easily caught Jamie on the thigh, on the shoulder, and on the forearm. And in one slash, he knocked his shield off his hand, almost cutting the straps that bound his golden hand to his stump. By the time they lowered their swords, Jamie was covered with cuts and bruises.

"The Kingslayer could not even slay a pigeon now," Jamie grumbled under his breath as he fixed the straps of his prosthetic hand. "Do you think she minds?"

"Of course she minds marrying an ugly bloke like you," Broon scoffed, making Jamie rolled his eyes. "Everyone knows the youngest Tyrell is a beauty. I don't understand why you refuse to meet her."

"No woman wants to marry a cripple. I can't fight nor wield a sword anymore. I don't want to see the disappointment in her eyes when she finds out her husband can't even protect her." Jamie sighed.

"You'll get better." Broon gave him a sympathetic pat on his shoulder as the two began to head back to the castle.

Daella almost felt sorry for Jamie. Like every man and woman in Westeros, she used to believe the Kingslayer was cruel, apathetic, and was incapable of any emotions. But right now, he was just as scared and as insecure as she was.

Perhaps marrying Jamie Lannister was not as bad as she thought it would be.

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