III. King's Landing

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The journey to King's Landing was arduous. Daella was trapped inside a carriage for days, and it was slowly driving her insane. She felt as if she was going to suffocate at any minute with her racing thoughts.

"I can't believe father agreed to this marriage!" she grumbled.

"I heard that Ser Jamie Lannister is rather handsome despite losing his hand," Ambar said, blushing at the same time as she tried to make her Lady felt better.

Daella could not help but picture what her betrothed looked like–with golden locks and green eyes, all the classic Lannister traits. She even imagined how maidens or even married women would swoon over the handsome Kingslayer.

"But I would never be one of those girls. Never!" She thought as the view of cities and towns began to close in.

"Argh, what is this awful smell?" Her handmaiden crinkled her nose.

"Smoke, sweat, and shit. King's Landing in short," Conrad replied, riding just outside of the carriage on his black stallion. "We have arrived."

The busy streets of King's Landing were like nothing Daella had seen before. Compare with Highgarden, these streets were more hectic and ran in an irregular crisscross pattern– bakers were selling all kinds of tarts, bread, and hot pies, prostitutes were leaning out of the windows with their bodices undone, jugglers were spinning knives through the air to entertain the crowds... They even passed by a group of men who were praying loudly for the dead King's soul.

Soon, the group arrived at the Red Keep.

"Welcome to King's Landing," Margaery smiled as she embraced her little sister with a warm hug. "I hope the journey was not rough."

"The weather was kind to us," Daella replied, not wanting to break from the hug. It had been ages since the Tyrell sister reunited with each other. The last time Daella saw Margaery was the day before she was sent to the Stormlands to marry Renly Baratheon. "I've missed you so much."

"Me too, sweet sister." Taking her hands, Margaery pulled Daella along. "Come, our grandmother is waiting for us. We have loads to catch up."

The Queen Mother watched from afar as the youngest Tyrell was welcomed by her family.

"She looks so young, so beautiful, so innocent," Cersei thought as jealousy began to stir inside of her. In the past, she would not need to worry about sharing her brother with anyone else. She already had Jamie in the palm of her hand– she had persuaded him to join the Kingsguard for her, to stay in the city for her, to forswear his lands and title for her. But who would have thought that their father insisted on marrying Jamie off so he could inherit the stupid Rock.

Cersei sighed. If only she had not been stubborn and agreed to marry Loras Tyrell or she had not accused her little brother, Tyrion, and put him into prison, Tywin might pardon Jamie from marriage and he would have remained in the Kingsguard and stayed with her.

She now only had one thing in mind– Jamie. As soon as she saw her brother, she kissed him. There was no tenderness in her kiss, only hunger, and dominance.

"You can't marry that little whore from Highgarden," she said, moaning as she felt Jamie's lips moved down to her neck. "She will tear us apart," she added as he kissed her to silence her. He then threw her in the bed and pushed her bare white legs apart.

Cersei kept telling her brother to turn down the marriage proposal but Jamie never heard her. Right now, the only thing he wanted to do was to put everything that had happened in these past few days aside and forget about the marriage proposal, Tywin Lannister, and the loss of his hand for a while. He then undid his breeches and began to thrust inside of her.

"Yes, Jamie..." Cersei moaned. "My brother, my sweet brother, yes, like that, yes, I have you, you're mine only..." Jaime almost lost himself in her flesh. He could feel Cersei's heart beating in time with his own, and the wetness as the twins were joined together.

The Rose without a thorn: Jamie Lannister (GOT)Where stories live. Discover now