2. KARD Jiwoo - Are You Scared of Me Now?

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Ship: Jiwoo x Female Reader

Warning: Profanity, violence, blood

   "Leave me alone!" You yelled at one of your schoolmates who tried to flirt with you but failed. 

   "Come on, Y/N! It'll only be one date," the guy said but you shook your head. It was too early in the morning and you literally just got to your locker.

   "Please go away," you said, hoping Jiwoo wasn't near. You were worried for the guy's wellbeing. 

Everyone knew you were dating Jiwoo, who just so happened the be the school's most feared student. Jiwoo was stronger than she looked, plus she had a lot of connections with even more scary people. If anything, Jiwoo could make someone disappear and make it seem like they never existed in the first place. 

You met Jiwoo when you were the new student in school and your homeroom teacher made you sit next to Jiwoo, who actually went to school that day. You greeted her nicely, the first time someone ever did since Jiwoo entered that school. It didn't take long for people to tell you about Jiwoo's status in the school but that didn't stop you from greeting her whenever you crossed paths with her. 

Eventually, Jiwoo mustered up the courage to actually ask to be your friend since she saw how you didn't fear nor avoid her. You quickly learned that Jiwoo was a big softie on the inside and that she was feared because she had beat up the entire football team when they tried to hit on her before you came to the school. But when she was around you, it was like she turned into a puppy. 

After two years of being best friends, Jiwoo asked you out when you both became juniors. Of course, you said yes since you liked her too. Ever since then, she became pretty protective of you. At first, it wasn't that serious. It was until you both became seniors and guys would begin to hit on you since  you underwent body changes due to being a very late-bloomer. 

   "Look, Jiwoo doesn't have to know. Besides, are you sure that you're gay?" The guy asked and the question ticked you off greatly. "I can change that if so." 

   "As if she'd want your dick anywhere near her," you heard your girlfriend's voice say from behind the guy, making you sigh from relief but also scaring you half to death. 

   "Jiwoo!" You yelped. "What are you doing here? I thought you decided to skip school." 

   "I did, I just came here to ask you if you wanted to skip too. But instead, I see this dumbass trying to ask you out. What did you say to him?" 

   "I told him to go away and leave me alone," you answered honestly, receiving a nod from Jiwoo. 

   "I see," she said and from behind her back, she pulled out a baseball bat. "I was gonna give you a warning but my girlfriend specifically told you to back off when you didn't. So now, you gotta pay the price," she said to the guy, who turned around to face her and was met with a hard hit to the face with the baseball bat. 

Blood splattered onto the bat, making you shriek as you stepped back in fear. You never seen Jiwoo hurt someone before, you've only ever heard about it. And when guys would hit on you, Jiwoo would normally threaten them. But this time, she actually got physical and you could see why she was the most feared student. 

All it took was one hit from Jiwoo to knock the guy out cold. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a little scared at the moment. 

   "J-Jiwoo," you stuttered as you stepped back even more. 

Jiwoo held the bat as she looked at you with dark eyes. 

   "Are you scared of me now?" Jiwoo asked darkly, hoping you'd say no. 

But you were an honest little bean, something Jiwoo loved about you, so when you nodded, Jiwoo smiled softly. 

   "It's okay, Y/N. I'd never do this to you," Jiwoo said as she dropped the bat. 

She opened her arms for you and in an instant, you ran right into her and hugged her tightly. 

   "Let ditch school today, you have a perfect record anyway," she said as you nodded. 

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