9. Mingi And The Blue Haired

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It was now Monday and 2 days since the boys were gone.

That night I found a note from Seonghwa on my bed.
It said: Dear y/n, I don't know when we will be back but while in our absent days, we hope you will be able to take care of yourself. Danger is out there everywhere, so please be extra careful and I advise you to take one of our men with you when you're going out. Please do not talk to those you don't feel safe around. Until them, see you soon y/n.             -Seonghwa ;)

I smiled at the small wink emoji that Seonghwa had made.

I was now on my way to work with one of the boy's guard walking soundless beside me as we silently walked to the cafe i worked in.

A few minutes after we had finally reached the cafe and just as I was about to thank the guard, he bowed and walked away.

I went in and was greeted by the lovely smell of coffee and other drinks.

It was any other normal day. Except, it would not be so normal soon.


I heard someone yell from the counter and saw a co-worker also a friend waving at me.

I walked towards him with a big smile on my face nad hugged him.

"I missed you y/n"

I chuckled

"I've only been gone for 1 week and you already miss me, Mingi"

I said as I ruffled the boys red hair as he gave me a pout.

I let out a small laugh and started getting ready to serve.

"y/n, I heard you moved right?"

I hummed in response

"Where exactly?"

Mingi asked out of curiosity

"tbh, I don't know"

And that was the truth.

"oh.. Well, do you live with someone?"

Just as I was about to answer, we heard the door to the cafe chime signalling someone came in.

We immediately stopped what we were doing and turned to the customer that had a mask on and had light blue hair who just walked in.

"Hello, can I have a cup of hot chocolate?"

The customer said.

"On it's way!"

Mingi yelled as I mentally slapped myself. Why does this boy have to be so loud.

The customer payed for his drink and sat down on a chair nearby as we started making his order.

Time skip

The day was finally over and right now me and Mingi were cleaning the whole cafe before going home.

"Let's go y/n"

Mingi said as we locked the cafe door and walked away.

"So, where do you live again?"

Mingi questioned

"I told you I don't know, but I know the way"

I said as we continued walking beside each other.

"I'll take you home"

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