15. Red Drop(s)

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Who is she?

Is the only question that stands out from the others in my head.

She had long black hair, a beautiful face that I can't describe, and as I scanned the young girl in the picture frame, my eyes landed on something.. Something around her neck.

It was a small chains necklace with a light blue tear drop pendant with one white and one black wing on each side.

I remember it now! It's the pendant I got from the box!

I had decided to keep that pendant even after what happened. No body knows I kept it.

I just felt attracted to it, like it was mine all along.

The girl was smiling and so was the boy. The pendant around her neck was just as the same as mine. But, her pendant's wings are both white.

Mine is one white and the other black.

They must be 2 different ones, but they look almost identical.

They look so happy in this picture.

I felt a stinging pain in my chest that I can't quite explain. Like getting stabbed by a hundred daggers.

I suddenly felt a huge sting of pain in my head. I groaned and held my head with my hands as my legs gave up under me and I fell down on the ground.

My vision was getting blurry, and I passed out.

I opened my eyes and was met by a bright light.

The light was bright but I could still see what it was.

It was a huge tear gem with some kind of water inside, wings on it's side. They were both white.

I was surrounded by stars, stars above me, starts under me, stars behind me and stars in front of me.

The 10 times bigger than me tear gem started glowing.

It was calling me

I walked closer to it and raised my hand to lay it on the Gem once I was close.

The gem stopped glowing and I saw a vision or scene in the gem.


A little girl and a little boy was running around a field full of many kinds and colours of flowers. Laughter and joy filling the air.

The boy back hugged the girl and they both sat down on the flower bed.

"---I have something for you"

I heard what he said but I couldn't hear what he said at the start.

The boy said and opened his fist to reveal a necklace.

A pendant to be exact.

I touched the pendant on my neck and looked back and forth between it and the two mortals.

It was the same necklace but just like before, both the wings were white.

Why is mine one black and one white? ;(

I scoffed

"Wahhhh! It's beautiful! Thank you so much!"

The girl happily smiled and took the pendant from the boy, putting it on afterwards.

There was silence in the air for a bit, until the clouds suddenly started pulling in, appearing the colour grey.

I started freaking out and looked at the two. They seemed unbothered, like they haven't seen the storm in front of them, or they're just ignoring it.

"we'll get through the storm together"

The boy cheerfully said and hugged the girl.

It started raining. Red rain.
The red was staining everything, even my vision and soon my vision was red.

I looked everywhere but saw nothing but red.

It was still raining red. I wrapped my arms around my self and hoped it's not what I think it is.

I'm scared.

The girl and boy from before appered in front of me. But this time.. It was different.

The boy had chains linked to his arms and legs, blood rushing down from the wounds.

The girl stood in front of him, lifeless. She was not moving and I couldn't see her face because of her long black hair.

The boy was desperately trying to set himself free, only screaming in return cause of the wounds.

Tear began falling from his eyes as he looked at the girl asking for help.

The next thing he said, I couldn't hear nor could I read his lips.

He definitely said something to the girl that caused her to turn around away from him. But I couldn't hear what he said.

His cries got louder and louder, to the point he was screaming.

I held my ears with my hands, desperately begging for the screaming to stop.

Until it did. The girl walked away from him.

I blinked once and I was back in the place where I was surrounded by starts. The huge gem in front of me, showing me the boy crying.

A tear from the boy suddenly floated out from the scene and dropped on the right side of the wing, colouring it black.

The Gem looked like mine now. One wing white, the other black.

What does this mean?

What is it telling me?

I don't understand!

The girl, made him cry. Why tho? He asked her for help, instead she walked away ignoring him. And why couldn't I hear what the boy said when the girl turned around?

My head was spinning again and then my vision went black.

I opened my eyes and I was back in Jonghos room.

I looked down on his table and saw the picture with the boy and the girl.

I then looked at my hand and saw that I was holding his keys.

I let out a sigh of relief.

What was that anyway?

Must be my imagination. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed the keys.

The keys fell from my hand once I felt a stinging pain on my right eye.

I closed both my eyes and held my right eye.

I yelped in pain as the pain itself got worse.

A few seconds later the pain stopped and I opened my eyes letting my right eye go.

I was alright until I felt a tear roll down my right eye.

It was a single tear only dropping from my right eye and onto my hand.

I looked down at my hand and my heart stopped..

Red drop

Vampire - Choi JonghoWhere stories live. Discover now