16. Man

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(This is gonna be a boring chapter since nothing interesting is gonna happen here. You can skip this chapter if you want but I suggest you not to if you wanna get the whole story in. And I will try my best to make the next chapter more exciting)

I took a tissue from the table and wiped my right eye where red drops had fallen from.

I looked at the tissue after wiping and saw that it was wet, but it wasn't red.

I looked down at my hand where a drop had dropped but I saw nothing but a see through tear.

Where did the red go? I swear my tears were red!

I shrugged the weird feeling off and took Jonghos keys and went downstairs with it.

Once I was down stairs, I saw the boys gathered around the living room everywhere.

"Did I take too long?"

I asked waking down the stairs with a smile since I didn't want to look disturbed because that's how I feel right now.

"Nope, we just came"

San said and smiled cheerfully

"Let's go?"

I said, the boys nodded and we all went out of the house.


The ride to this theme park was a good 10 minutes by car.

We arrived, showed our tickets and entered.

It was packed with people everywhere. People playing carnival games. People screaming cause of the wild rides. People eating cotton candy or popcorn or anything you can eat.

Seonghwa pushed us together and told us to not get in trouble and not to expose ourselves, which were only meant for the boys.

After Seonghwa finished his sentence, everyone went their own way. Even Seonghwa himself.

The only one's left were me and Jongho standing beside each other.

"So, what do you wanna do first?"

Jongho said and grabbed my hand in his as i felt my heart skip a beat.

"I-Uhhhh ride?"

I said. Jongho nodded and dragged me towards somewhere.

We found a ride called 'The crazy daisy' (all the names for the rides in this ff will be made up so I did not steal any names from any theme parks)

It lasted a good 5 minutes but it felt like hours. The ride was simply just a boring slow ride where you are surrounded by daisys and they move in a strange way.

We walked a little deeper into the theme park and found a ride called 'Ghosts souls'. Well RIP me cause I hate scary rides.

The ride looked not so scary, actually it looked silly on the outside but I'm sure I'm gonna die in the inside.

We got our seats and the ride began. We were instantly met by fake cardboard ghosts that scared the shit outta me even tho they weren't scary at all.

I'm not good with scary stuff so I was a little against this ride but I did it for Jongho since he was particularly on his knees begging me to ride this with him.

The ride finally ended and out we came, me as a scared and paranoid women and Jongho laughing his ass out.

I pouted and looked at Jongho while playfully glaring at him.

Jongho laughed even more and started pinching my cheeks.

"So cute~"

He said and continued laughing.


I said and walked away from him.

He quickly ran to me and grabbed my wrist and turned me to him.

He held my face with his hands and laid his lips on my forehead for a few seconds.

"Sorry, I will never do that again Y/N!"

Jongho cutely did ageyo and I swear my heart was gonna melt right there.

"Can we go find a restroom? I reaaaly gotta go"

He said and jumped up and down like a bunny.

I chuckled and nodded as we began our journey of finding a restroom for Jongho.

After searching for 5 minutes we finally found a restroom and Jongho ran in there.

I laughed at his childish behaviour and waited outside the door for him.

I tried to think of something else but my mind keeps going to the girl and boy and the pendant.

The girl... Why does she look so familiar? I have seen her before but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's honestly frustrating.

"You wanna know why the other wing is black?"

I heard a voice beside me and looked that way.

My eyebrows crashed into each other. It was a man around my age I think? He was wearing a suit. Who wears a suit at a theme park anyway?

"The other wing is black because the owner of the pendant sinned"

I tried walking away but I didn't wanna be rude- wait.. How does he know I even have a pendant?

"Excuse me?"

I said and looked at him with questions written all over my face.

"The girl with Jongho. She is very important to him. In fact she was his first love. And he's still in love with her till this day"

He said looking up at the sky

"Okay? I did not ask"

I coldly said and walked away from him.

"Don't believe me? Ask him yourself. Hope you find out what he's been hiding~"

He said the last words like an echo.

I stopped walking and turned around to face him, but by the time I did that, he was already gone.

Is Jongho really hiding something from me? Nahhh. I can't trust a stranger anyway.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. I quickly turned around to meet Jongho.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded and we went to the next ride.


The sun was starting to set as Jongho took me to a huge ferris-wheel asking me to ride it.

I agreed to ride it with him.

We sat down on both sides and looked out the windows.

The strangers words were still in my head. The owner of this pendant sinned so that's why one is black and the other is white.

And Jongho still likes the girl?

I felt a little hurt thinking about that. Loving someone who can't love you back.

Does he actually like her?

The ferris-wheel was slowly moving as we slowly made our way to the top.

"What's wrong?"

Jongho said not looking at me.

"Who is the girl in the picture frame on your desk?"

There.. I finally said it. This question was gonna burst out of me anyway.

Vampire - Choi JonghoWhere stories live. Discover now