21. Wonderland

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"OK ok. First of all, where am I?"

I asked as I along with the 6 boys I met just now were present in their living room.

The living room was a little smaller than ours back home, but still big

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The living room was a little smaller than ours back home, but still big.

The best part was that you could see the beautiful view of the ocean.

Speaking of home. I miss it.

I miss everyone.

This place is already shockingly beautiful enough and it's also shocking how I got here. But what shocked me the most was these next words that came out of Ravn's mouth.

"You're in Wonderland"

I tried my very best to not jump up and yell 'Whaaaaaaa?'

Is this the place the boys were talking about? Wonderland?

From what I heard, I thought this place was gonna be full of fire and lava and darkness.

But this place is far from my imagination. This place is kinda nice and calming.

I looked out the glass doors to the view of the ocean.

"How did I get here?"

I whispered to myself but the others heard it.

"I took you here"

Keonhee said as he took a step closer to me.

I looked up at him. I wasn't mad cause I actually like this place. So calming..


I said

"You belong here."

Keonhee whispered and luckily I heard him. He then warmly smiled at me which made me feel the warmth inside.

"Belong here?"

I carefully asked with a small voice.

Keonhee nodded and turned his head to look at the ocean.

I also turned my head to look at the ocean as the silence took over.

We stood there looking at the beautiful ocean view. Waves crashing into the huge rocks and the shore.

So peaceful.

"Your body might not belong here, but your soul surely does."

Keonhee said and continued

"Can you feel the calmness just by starting at the ocean?"

He ended still looking at the ocean.

I smiled and nodded my head

"I do. But why?"

I asked

"Like I said, you and your soul belongs here. Because this is where you were born"

I snapped my head towards him with wide eyes after he finished his sentence.

I wanted to ask why but couldn't do so cause for some reason, my lips were glued together.

"Every year, a soul rises from these waves ready to connect itself to a human body"

He paused for a moment and then continued saying

"That's how you were born or better yet, made"

Keonhee finished.

What? I came from these waves?

I asked myself as I looked at the ocean and its waves.

"We make sure the souls travels to a better place. Protecting the souls is what we do"

He spoke with ancient words

"You're saying that I came from these waves and not from a human?"

Keonhee nodded

"That's why you feel so calming here. It's also because the ocean is like your mother"

He spoke

"But.. Who are my human mom and dad?"

I asked turning to him.

"Don't you understand? You don't have human parents. You are from the ocean, a child of these waves."

Keonhee finally looked at me with cold eyes.

My hand found it's way up to my mouth and covered it showing how shocking this all is for me.

I have been living a lie my whole life?

This explains why my parents didn't want me. Because I wasn't their flesh and blood.

"The necklace you are wearing reflects who you are"

Keonhee started saying

"One wing is white, that explains your positive energy. And the other is black, that explains your negativity. That's how you know you have sinned or broken a rule. And the tear represents your heart. The liquid inside it is a drop of the oceans tear. Just by touching it, you will perish and turn to dust"

He said

I had no idea I had such a powerful liquid with me this whole time!

But wait...

"But this necklace isn't mine"

I said as I grabbed the necklace and looked at it.

"It is yours. People who are just like you has them and they have their own kinds and colours"

... No freaking way!!!!

This is alot to take in!

So it was me who betrayed Jongho??!!!

Why don't I remember anything?!

"Sit down I will tell you about Wonderland"

Keonhee sat down on the sofa followed by a confused and still shocked me.


A few minutes pass and Keonhee had almost told me the whole Wonderland. I remember a few of them by what the boys back home had said.

The forbidden forest: evil creatures lurk there.

The bridge of doom: Where the people from Wonderland goes to take their lives.

The tree of life and death: Wonderlandians go there every month to receive a single leaf from the tree which chooses if they are gonna die or live that month. (wow that's cruel)

The crystal cove: a cave full of crystals. There is said to be a lake in there which will give you all the answers to your questions.

Castle: and finally the castle. The castle is where the Ruler of Wonderland lives.

All these places sound so scary but exciting at the same time.

I sit there listening to Keonhee. There are so many more places.

Keonhee suddenly stopped talking and stared at me coldly.

"Welcome home, y/n"

Keonhee suddenly spoke making me confused.

Never have i ever heard my own name sound so unfamiliar.

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