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So here's what you missed last season on Glee.
Allison had a baby,

Finn and Rachel are in love,

Sue's going easy on Will and even though the Glee club worked really hard to get to Regionals they didn't win.

But, it's okay to not win an award, particularly when you had so much fun getting there right? Right?

Well Figgins is giving them another year.

And that's what you missed on Glee
Im with the unholy trinity and Noah at our lockers when JBI comes up to do a so called interview. "How has life changed since the birth of your bastard child?" He asked me and Noah flipped.
"Don't you ever, talk about my daughter ever again. Or I will end you" Noah screams at him and he runs away with his camera crew.
"So how is my babygirl doing?" He asks me, "Noah you saw her yesterday. She's perfectly fine I promise." I tell him. He's been an amazing dad. Cassidy's now around 7 almost 8 months old and she's doing awesome. "I know but I miss her already." He confesses.
"How about this, come over after school and visit." He agreed and began to head to class. My dad and Carole watch Cassie during the day and then I take over after Cheerios practice. I offered to drop Cheerios but they refused telling me that I still have to live a little.
Third period, study hall for the rest of the school but Glee rehearsal for New Directions. "Allie we want baby pictures please" Tina says when I walk in. I laugh and take out my phone. "Of course T, you know you're welcome to come over and visit anytime." I start showing her pictures and then everyone gathers around.
"Allie, she's getting so big" mike says. " I know my baby's growing up and I don't like it." Noah says to him.
"Yeah soon she's gonna come home with a boyfriend or girlfriend and she's gonna go party and everything." I say and Noah doesn't like this idea. "Incorrect, she's not getting a boyfriend or girlfriend til she's 35."
"Yeah I think that's a good plan" Finn says and I laugh at both of them. "You two crack me up" I say to them while I laugh. "Oh we're not joking, no boy or girl is dating my baby." Puck says and I roll my eyes and walk away.

"These are comments from Jacob Ben-Israel's most recent Glee Club blog. Glee is a giant ball of suck." Mr. Schue reads from his phone.
"We get it, Mr. Shue. Everyone still hates us. So what? So we're plankton on the high school food chain? Only difference now is that none of us really care." My brother says and I nod.
"Kurt's right. We're a family. They can bring it all they want. None of it is going to break us." Mercedes says in agreement with my brother.
"Okay, I'm really happy that you guys have all bonded. The problem is that all of this negative stuff is keeping other students from auditioning." Mr. Schue says and we all frown.
"Well why do we need new members." Tina asks Mr. Schue. "Well since Matt transferred there's only 12 of us." I reply, reminding everyone of the 13 member rule.
"You're going to have to trust me on this, guys. Now, here's the plan. Nationals are in
New York this year, and we are going. Now let's go out there and show the school how cool it's going to be, how cool we can be. If they're not going to come to us, let's go to them. They say we only sing show tunes and '80s pop. Let's show them how down we are. Let's give them the song of the year, New Directions! style." Mr. Schue says and we all head to the courtyard. We decide to perform "Empire State Of Mind" for the school.

(She comes out with the unholy trinity)
I thought that the number was good, it seemed to only catch the attention of two people, everyone else seemed unimpressed.
Finn asks me to come to the choir room when I realize all the guys are in there. "Hey guys what's up" I ask as I put my bag on the piano. "Allie, this is Sam." I look over at the blonde boy standing in front of us. I sit down on a stool and listen to what he has to say.
"My name's Sam Evans. I like comic books, sports. I'm dyslexic, so my grades aren't that good, but...I'm working on it." He says and I send him a small smile.
"Dude, your mouth is huge. How many tennis balls can you fit in there?" Noah says.
"Noah Puckerman be nice" I yell at my ex. He looks at me and apologizes to Sam.
"I don't... know. I've never had any balls in my mouth. Have you?" Sam says back and I roll my eyes, are all guys this age so immature.
"So Sam, can you sing" I ask him. "I've never sung in front of anyone before" he confesses.
"Dude, let me tell you, Chicks dig singers. Right Allie." Puck says.
"Shut it Puckerman." I say back and everyone laughs except Sam who looks confused.
"We used to date and now we have a child together." I say to clear up the boys confusion.
"So Sam, what song do you have in your back pocket." Finn asks.
"Umm I don't know, billionaire" he replies.

Sam then performs the song and I have to say, he's really talented. His voice is so clean and clear. And he'll give us that boy next door vibe that we need.
"that was great Sam, please come to auditions. You'd be a great addition to new Directions." I say and walk out of the room.
Cheerios tryouts, I've been dreading this day all week. Quinn was going to try and get back on the Cheerios and I had to convince Coach Sue to let her on. Q walks in and Coach seems angry with the girl.
"Nope absolutely not" she says to my best friend.
"Coach please let her try" I look at my cheer coach whom adores me. "Okay fine"
Quinn does the audition routine flawlessly. "Welcome back to the Cheerios Co Captain." Coach Sylvester says to Quinn. "Thanks Coach" She says before leaving.
"Omg look Coach" Becky whos Coach sues quote on quote assistant says and we both look up.
"Finn what are you doing here?" I question my step brother.
" I'm Finn Hudson, and I'd like to audition for the Cheerios." He says and performs terribly. His audition was so bad I'm ashamed that he even tried.
"Next" Coach Sue yells loudly making him quickly exit the gymnasium.
I missed glee club auditions for that. To watch my stepbrother completely embarrass himself. At least I got Quinn back on the team. Hopefully they got some good people on the new Directions this year. Since we're going all out.
I decided to bring Cassidy outside for some fresh air today. Mercedes is over hanging out with Kurt and they decided to come outside with us. Cassidy's on the grass playing with her toys when she does something completely new. She crawls, I immediately grab my phone and start filming her. Once I get a decent length video I call for Mercedes and Kurt.
"Oh my gosh, she's crawling, she's never done this before! Come look" they both rush over and look at my daughter in awe. When she finally stops Kurt picks her up and holds her. "Uncle Kurt is very proud of you Cassie" he says and she laughs like you've never heard before. Cassidy loves both her uncle Kurt and uncle finn. She spends so much time with both of them, she's become comfortable with me not always being there. I send the video to Puck and then to my friends and family. I can't believe it, my baby girl finally crawled.

Word Count: 1411

Hello my lovely readers. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Dancing Queen" this chapter really shows the relationship that Allison has with her daughter. If there's any questions concerning Cassidy or any storylines please ask!

I want everyone to guess who the next love interest in this book is gonna be! I'm excited to see everyone's guesses.

Thank you all so much for reading!
-Caitlyn 💖

Dancing Queen {Book 2 of Allison Hummel series}Where stories live. Discover now