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This is a long one!!

I'm at my locker with Finn talking about the math homework we were just assigned as Kurt comes rushing over with my dad and Carole. I take Cassidy from my dad and hold her on my hip. She's now big enough to where we can do that and it makes carrying her so much easier.
"Okay come on, tell them" my dad says and Carole argues back to him.

"No, no you tell them"

"All right, so you know how I drive Carole to work every Tuesday? Well, today I drove here, and we snuck into that classroom where Kurt introduced us...very romantic of me, I might add... And I..." my dad starts.

"He proposed" Carole yells out showing us the gorgeous ring my dad and I picked out a few days previous.

"Oh my goodness, congratulations" I say to both of them while hugging them.

"This happened so fast" Finn says.

"Oh, my God, this is just what I needed. Allison and I will take care of it from here. I have a trunk full of wedding magazines hidden under my bed. I'm thinking of a russet and cognac theme. Those are colors, Finn. Fall wedding colors. Autumnal." Kurt says and I nod in total agreement.

"All right, now listen, Allie and Kurt, Mr. and Ms. Wedding Planners, I want you to take care of one thing. I don't care about the food or the booze at this party, but I want one heck of a band. I've been eating right. I've been exercising. And I want to boogie with Carole at this wedding. And I will boogie." My dad says proud that he's gotten much better since he was sick.

"Of course daddy" I say to him.

"Yay Papa" Cassidy says making us all laugh.

"All right. It's already taken care of, Dad. I'm going to hire the New Directions as your band. Right? It won't cost you a cent. They're cheap, they're available. Long story short...you're having a Glee wedding." Kurt says. My dad takes my daughter back as the bell rings and we have to get to class.
I'm in the choir room with some of the girls after school. My dad had dropped Cassidy off so he could go get his tux for the wedding and Carole had work. Quinn was holding her and she was eating some of the baby cereal puffs.

"Ladies, the Kurt-Karofsky bullying situation is getting way out of control. Kurt's miserable, he's losing weight...and not in a good way. And he's barely even fighting me for solos anymore." Rachel says and I nod in agreement.

"It's true, last night he didn't even argue about what movie we watched and he skipped his skin care Routine ." I say and they all look at me with concerned looks.

"We've all been teased, but something about what Karofsky's doing is so much worse." Tina says.

"We're all lucky enough to have boyfriends on the football team. I say, we band together and demand that they confront Karofsky. And Allie we asked you to come as he's your brother and you know him better than anyone." Rachel suggests to the other girls.

"Okay, first off all, I'm not dating Sam. And second of all, I think you personally just set the feminist movement back 50 years." Quinn says while handing Cassidy back over to me.

"But guys like Karofsky only respond to muscle." Rachel reminds all of us. Quinn still confused to the plan asks.

"So we're going to fight violence with violence?"

"No! Look, I'm not saying that they should hit him. What I'm saying is that we need to defend Kurt, and there's strength in numbers." Rachel says and we all agree. We want this situation to end and will do whatever it takes to stop it.  Just then Santana walks into the Choir room offended that she wasn't invited.

Dancing Queen {Book 2 of Allison Hummel series}Where stories live. Discover now