Born This Way

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So here's what you missed
On Dancing Queen

The glee clubs getting ready for nationals in New York

Quinn wants to win prom queen

Kurt had to transfer schools because of Karofsky

Santana's got a huge crush on Brittany

And Allies more in love with her baby than ever before

And that's what you missed on "Dancing Queen"
"All right, guys. Nationals are just a few weeks away, and it's time to bear down. Okay, your singing at Regionals was amazing, but your dancing...It's booty camp time." Mr. Schue tells our group. Mike and I already knew since he asked for our help but this was a surprise for everyone else. We start dancing and next thing we hear a loud smack and I see Rachel on the floor covering her nose. I immediately run over and help the girl. I can tell her nose is severely bruised but I'm not sure if it's broken or not. We get her some ice and watch as the swelling goes down. Finn feels awful that he caused this but we all assure him that everything is going to be just fine.

The next day during glee rehearsal Rachel gives us the worst news ever.

"You're actually getting a nose job?" I ask her but I comes out more like yelling. In the moment all I can think about is "what if this was Cassidy" I would never want my baby to feel like she isn't pretty, because she's perfect.

"Look, I'm... I'm happy with the way that I look, okay? And I've embraced my nose. But let's say I wanted to have a slightly more demure nose. Like Allie's, for example. I-I would never change my appearance for vanity, but, I mean, the doctor said that it could possibly improve my talent, which would help us all for Nationals." She says back making us all look at the girl with disappointment.

"Possibly? What about the risks? Your voice is amazing as is, Rachel." Mr Shue argues back with all of us agreeing.

The whole club then breaks into a huge fight with people yelling insults when finally Mr Shue has to step in. "Whoa, guys. I'm really shocked at what I'm hearing here. It goes against everything the glee club stands for. I'm telling you, the thing you would most like to change about yourself is the most interesting part of you."

The next day we walk into glee practice and see the word "Acceptance" written on the board and Miss Pillsbury standing there. Mr Shuester explains That she's going to help us with self love and confidence as our club represents almost every race, sexual orientation and clique our school has. He explains the assignment and we're on our way.
I go over and talk to Rachel, since she talked about "wanting my nose" I thought maybe she would wanna do this weeks assignment with me and do a duet. She agrees and we think of the most beautiful duet I could think of.

The next day in glee club we get our stools out and sing our song "I feel pretty/ unpretty" leaving the whole room in shock of what we just sang. Looking around seeing the shocked faces. I give Rachel a hug and go sit back down with my friends.
It's now Friday, the day of the big group number. I walk in and see everyone surprised that my brother is standing there. Since I was the only one who knew about his transfer. We all had to make shirts that have an insecurity on them, most people would assume mine would say "mother" on it but I'm not ashamed of my daughter I'm so proud of the life I've made. Instead I decide to put "bleach blonde" since I've been dying my hair since I was 12. I'm ashamed of my natural brunette color and have always wanted to be blonde.
We sing the number and everyone seems to be happy and overcoming there insecurities.

Hey besties.
Sorry it's been like over a year since I updated. This has been one of the worse years of my life. I ended up in and out of the hospital for about 9 months with a severe nervous system damage, resulting in brain damage and a broken spine. My family has had covid outbreaks in our home several times. And I lost both of my living grandparents in the same week. But now I'm back and committed to trying to finish this book for you all. To those who stuck around I really appreciate it and I'm sending lots of love to you all.
-Cait <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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