6th Session

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 Jack Smith is called to the Holy City for a meeting of the high paladin council. Jack goes with Murkas, Kevin, Feraan and Greg (the scorpion) to the holy city. They are ambushed by brigands on the way. They defeat them and take their loot. In the holy city Murkas offers to paint a church ceiling for 500gp. Jack goes to the meeting. He learns that The Holy City is divided into 4 factions. Concordia, the monk faction about peace and enlightenment. Pecunia, the rich faction with strong ties to aristocracy and very corrupt. Mortem, the death faction, they are brutal and their clerics use deadly as they believe anyone who doesn't worship Ygg or isn't human deserves to be slaughtered. And finally honoris which was dissolved after their leader, Ellis, was assassinated. It is rumoured to be aucastrated by Mortem. The Honoris sector has become slums due to being taken over by Pecunia and the former members now live among Concordia. He also learns that both the cults have reunited and have become to return. The pope's security force have discovered that there will be a meeting from the worshipers of Orcus and Set. It is Jack's job to infiltrate and murder or arrest the worshipers. Before leaving Jack consults a mage in the slums how to get Protection from Evil on his armour. He is told he needs 2000gp and unicorn blood. Jack, Feraan, Kevin and Greg head to the meeting. They all wear black robes, of course excluding the scorpion. They enter the longhouse and notice two familiar faces, Donalbain and their knight friend. They speak to them discretely. They say they are there on behalf of the Knights Of Herne. Jack tells them he is on a mission for the Pope of Ygg. Kevin notices Lord Silverbane amongst the guests also. After a while, Silverbane erupts from his seat alongside other werewolves and begins devouring the guests. Donalbain and the knight also jump to their feet with a few other knight of Herne. Jack and Feraan follow Donalbain to engage the two robed figures at the head of the table. On dressed in furs, with a tabard emblazoned with a goats skull and goats skull holy symbol. The other in black robes wearing a silver skull mask with a human skull holy symbol. The other knights engage the werewolves. Kevin runs outside to mount Greg. The Pope's secret agents also jump out and stop people leaving the longhouse. Feraan battles the Orcus priest while Jack battles the Set Necromancer. Donalbain fights between the two, now with a clear upgrade of platemail, a sword and a shield. Feraan is nearly killed by the priest but manages to cast sleep on him. Jack battles the Necromancer by he summons skeletons to fight for him and then escapes out the back door. He is shocked to find Kevin on Greg outside. He smugly casts invisibility on himself and tries to slip away. But Kevin counters that by casting Faery Fire. Greg then rips him to pieces. Donalbain is nearly overrun by skeletons but Jack helps him defeat them. The werewolves escape and they party loot the corpses. As the Pope's agents walk into the hall, Donalbain and other knights escape out the back with help from the party. They return to the holy city and our rewarded by the pope verbally. Kevin keeps the Dagger of Set and they hand in the holy symbols.

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