Part 10 --

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Dawson woke up to his phone ringing. As he picked both himself and his phone up he saw two things one that it was Mayas mum calling and two that it was 7am. "Hello" he said sleepily into the phone as he answered the call. "Hi, it's just to say that we will be coming around about 4 tonight to pick up Maya's cookbook." Mayas Mother said. "Which one?" Dawson chuckled. "The chicken one with the broth and other recipes." she replied with a laugh in her voice "Okay, see you then, bye." he said. "Bye." she said quickly before she hung up on him.

Dawson got out of bed and ran through to the kitchen extremely excited  to see if and what Maya had wrote. As he read the note he fell to the ground, dropped the note and dialled the police.  As he was answering the police questions, he had to fight hard to keep in control of his sadness and shock so they could understand him. When he finished the call he finally let go of his emotions.  Dawson decided to go into Ali's room despite what Maya had told him. He needed to see her to know what to tell the police, ambulance and detective when they arrived. As he walked over to the bed he began sobbing even more than before as he exited the room and sat in the kitchen, his heart-breaking as he waited for everyone to arrive each second feeling like hours.


Meanwhile as David opened the fridge door he sighed, and walked over to the shopping list he mumbled "No milk, again.". He looked down and stood there for a couple of minutes, he reached to pick up his phone, he hesitated for a second contemplating whether it was just a practical joke. He picked up his phone and phoned Dawson. 

 "Hey, it's David from class in university. I woke up to a strange note apparently from Ali, it said to phone you and that she was dead.". Dawson was taken aback as he realised what this meant. "Hi David, I am sorry but yes she has passed away, she has been staying with me for the past couple of days because of Mayas passing, can I ask you if you two were together?".  "Yeah we were... I asked her out the first day I met her at uni. I fell in love with her as soon as i saw her. Much like you and Maya. We loved each other, I still love her." David said now sobbing. "The police and everyone else are on their way here.  You should be here too.". Dawson said. As Dawson gave David his address he heard him say "I'm on my way." Before Dawson got a chance to answer he heard a beep as David hung up. 


As David pulled up to Dawson and Mayas house all he could see were ambulances and police cars everywhere. He tried to enter the house, but the policeman who was standing at the door stopped him. "It's okay, please he needs to come in, Ali, she is his girlfriend. Please let him in." Dawson explained to the detective in charge, she turned and nodded to the policemen. David came into the house and waked straight to David. "Hug?" he asked him with a voice full of sadness. Dawson didn't reply as he just wrapped his arms around him.  

The detective and a couple of policemen and a paramedic entered the bedroom where Ali had been sleeping. The paramedic pronounced her deceased right away and the detective came out of the bedroom with an extremely saddened expression on her face, before she could say anything both Dawson and David knew what she was about to say, this made is feel too real. As they both fell to the ground in the middle of the corridor the detective confirmed it and left them to process the news they had just received. She came back a couple of minutes later to get the contact information for Ali's parents.  She asked Dawson to go to the police station to make a statement, as he agreed, David offered to go with him for support. They were both escorted by a police car.  

 When they arrived David was asked to wait in the cafe down the hall, as David had to do this alone. The room was cold, with one lonely table in the middle and 4 chairs around it. Sat upon the table was a recorder ready for his statement. The statement took over an hour and was filled with lots of questions about the night before, to which he told them it was normal and when they went to their rooms she seemed okay. They then asked things about Ali's mental health leading up to her death. He told them, her best friend passed away a few weeks ago but she was coping, he made it known she would not have done anything to herself, that she had no thoughts like that. The last couple of things they asked him was to repeat the whole night to them so they had a timetable to go by. He told them everything from Mayas parents coming over for dinner, what they had for dinner, what they spoke about afterwords, when Mayas parents left, what they watched and lastly when they went to bed. When he spoke of all of these things he couldn't hold back the tears as they were talking about everything. 

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