22: Together

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For the first time since Satiah arrived at the palace, the Pharaoh and his Sacred Guardians were left speechless.

They had gathered in the great hall and listened patiently as Atem recounted the visions shown to him by his Millennium Ring. But now, in the wake of the prince's words, they had nothing to say. Satiah stood beside her husband where he sat at the head of the table, surrounded by his most trusted viziers, who now couldn't even manage to conjure a word of reassurance. Atem had a blanket drawn over his shoulders, which concealed most of the mark branded on him by the Ring, but he was still shivering wildly. It turned Satiah's stomach to see him like this — once a poised and measured man, now reduced to a panicked husk.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Seto stepped forward. "And you're sure that it wasn't just a vivid dream?"

Atem stared across the table, down to where the Millennium Ring was lying just out of his reach. He nodded once. "I could feel it," he said, his voice trembling. "The heat of their bodies... The chill of the dark."

More silence.

"But what does it mean?" Karim whispered.

Satiah looked around, watching the faces of the wisest priests in the land drawing blank. Frustrated, she laid her hand on her husband's shoulder and squeezed hard. His eyes flickered up to her momentarily.

"It means we must find it," she announced, her voice cutting sharply across the room. "This chamber — this ... this sarcophagus that Amenhotep uncovered. If the chamber is truly where Zorac sleeps, we must secure it, before Bakura — or any other man with ill intent — can set foot within it."

"I thought Zorac was just a legend," Seto shot back. "A figment of the mad king's imagination."

Shimon made a low noise. "That was always just a rumor," he said, his voice heavy, "spread by the descendents of Ramesses, to discourage any aspiring heretics from seeking out the god's powers. And it worked — in time, Zorac's legend was reduced to no more than a bedtime story to scare children into behaving."

"But this proves it's not," Satiah cut in. "There was something hidden in that chamber, and Amenhotep set it free."

"We don't know that for certain," Karim said, though his voice was laced with doubt. "It could have been anything that caused these visions... The medicines he takes — delirium or stress—"

Satiah scoffed. "Tell me none of you have been shown illusions by your Items before," she demanded, looking around at their shamed faces. "None of you? Not a single one?"

Finally, Isis spoke up. "This demands further exploration," she said quietly. "It is clear the Millennium Items are somehow entwined with the events observed by our prince. We should investigate to find out why."

Satiah appreciated the woman's backing, however weak it was. She continued scanning the faces of the Guardians, most of whom avoided her eyes, until finally, she set her gaze on the Pharaoh. She'd almost failed to notice Aknamkanon, who stood shrouded in darkness behind his viziers. But his blackened eyes shone fierce as he stared down upon his quivering son — the last of his flesh and blood.

Suddenly, he turned to his Guardians. "Karim, send out messages to every nome within a day's ride," he commanded. "Tell them to begin searching their archives for records of Amenhotep's reign. Any findings are to be brought to me personally."

Karim stood stunned a moment, then quickly nodded and set off.

The Pharaoh turned to Seto now. "Seto — gather the Conclave's five finest priests and ride for Set-Ma'at at first light. Meet with the head of the tomb guardians there and set them to work searching Ramesses' burial chambers. Have your priests set up a patrol along the southern ridge and report back to me daily with any news."

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