Chapter 6

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3 years later -

"Micah, shake a leg!" I holler to him from the front door - we were supposed to leave five minutes ago. 

"I'm right here, Lo-Lo, keep your panties on right," he sasses, walking into the living room; cocking an eyebrow at him, but I remain silent as I shoo him out of the house, and exit behind him and lock the door. 

"Are you excited about Myles and Markus' baby?" he asks, as we settle into my truck, so we can head to the hospital where their baby is being born - they used Myles' sperm and the surrogate's egg for the baby. 

"Of course I am," I grin, driving toward the hospital. 

"Me, too! I hope the baby is a girl, but I'll be okay with a nephew, too," he says, bouncing in the fornt seat next to me - he hasn't lost his bouncy, fun-loving personality in the last three years. 

Micah's now 16 years old, Myles and I are 26 years old, Markus and Cole are 35 years old, Liam is 30 years old, Lane and Logan are 29 years old, and their daughter Michelle is 3 years old. Micah has a girlfriend named Molly West, who is almost 16 years old. 

"Why are girl more than a boy?" I question him curiously.

"Girls seem to be eaiser to deal with, but I'm going off on how easy Michelle is," he says seriously.

Pulling into the hospital parking lot, I quickly park and turn off the engine, so we can climb out and head inside. Cole and Liam are still at work, and you might be wondering why I'm not - I became Markus' P.A. when he became the fire chief, and Cole became Staion 33's batllion chief and Liam became his P.A. I work five days a week and I'm home every night after five and on weekends, unless there's a huge fire that Markus has to be at, too. I'm proud of my men, but I hate when they're called to horrible fires. 

Entering the maternity ward waiting room, we find Myles, Markus, Logan, Lane, Michelle and Parker sitting in chairs - at least we haven't missed the baby's birth. Myles and Markus didn't want to know what the gender of the baby until the baby was born. 

"Finally, what took you two so long?" Myles huffs when Micah sits next to Markus and I sit next to Myles. 

"Micah was being slow," I mumble, smiling at everyone. "How are you two holding up?" 

"Nervous- excited," Myles syas grinning. 

"Excited," Markus grins as Michelle toddles over to me with her arms raised over her head. 

"Unc Lo, uppie pease?" she asks, batting her big blue eyes at me.

Picking her up to place her on my right knee with a peck on her chubby cheek and grin; "Hello, sweet girl."

"Hi'a unc' Lo," she grins back, snuggling into my body.

"When are you, Liam and Cole going to have your own baby?" Parker asks seriously.

Biting my lower lip, as I battle with myself as if I should tell them now, or wait as this is my twin and his husband's special day - they married a year and a half ago with a small intimite wedding at our house. 

"No way!" Myles breathes, completly shocked as he stares at me opened mouthed and wide eyes.

Nodding I say; "Um, Liam and I are both pregnant - we three months today actually. Um, we're not sure who is my baby's biological father is - Cole or Liam, or if me or Cole are Liam's."

"You dirty dogs," Logan chuckles, as everyone smiles - yes, Cole makes love to both Liam and me, and Cole and I both make love to Liam. 

"What if you have twins, since it's possible?" Lane asks.

Shrugging my shoulders, I say; "Then we have twins plus Liam's single baby."

"Mr. and Mr. Long?" a female nurse asks entering the waiting room and looking around.

Markus and Myles instantly stand, so she continues; "Congratulations, your baby has just been born. Both mother and baby are doing well. Would you like to see them?" 

All of us grin as Myles excitidly answers for them; "Yes!"

Thirty minutes later, Markus returns, a grin that I'm sure is going to split his face in half; "We're in our own room with the baby while Carrie recovers in her own. Follow me and all of you can see the baby," the six of us follow Markus into a room where Myles is sitting on a chair with a baby swaddled in a white blanket with pink and blue stripes, and a pale green hat. 

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce, Matthew Jacob Long," Myles says with his own huge grin. "He was born at 6:31 p.m., he weighs 8 pounds 10 ounces, and is 23 inches long. He's healthy and perfect."

Myles carefully stands to walk ovet to Micah and I and stops in front of me; "Would you like to hold him?" 

I nod and carefully take my sweet nephew in my cradled arms, my heart instantly melts as I study his facial features. Glancing up to study my brother's face, even though they are mine, they're slightly different, and Matthew looks almost identical to Myles and not Carrie. 

"Would you like to be one of his godparents, Mylo?" Markus softly asks.

My jaw drops in surprise; "I would love, too, thank you both."

"Parker, will you be Matthew's other godparent?" Myles asks his partner.

Parker grins with a nod; "I'd be honered and thank you."

7 months later - 

Liam and I have both given birth to our babies - we both knew the genders as soon as we could. Liam gave birth to our daughter, Cayla Marie Anderson, on December 23rd at 12:52 a.m. Cayla was 21 inches long, and weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and definitly is Cole and Liam's baby as she has beautiful light chocolate colored skin. I gave birth to our twin boys, yup twins, on December 24th. Lucka James was born at 2:29 a.m, was 20 inches long, and weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces. Cole is Lucka's biological father as he has the same beautiful skin coloring as Cayla. Liam is Morgan's father and his skin color is between Liam's and mine - Morgan was born at 2:35 a.m., weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 inches long. 

Today is New Years Eve, and the seven of us are spending it at home with Myles, Markus, Matthew, Micah, Molly, Logan, Lane, Michelle. Parker and the fire crew are going to a club together. Myles moved out when he and Markus were married, his room was turned into a nursery for our three beautiful babies, Micah stayed in his room, and Cole and Liam are in mine. 

"Lo-Lo," Micah pouts, leaning his head on my shoulder while I fed Morgan - Liam is feeding Cayla and Cole is feeding Lucka.

"What's up?" I wonder looking at him from my son's face. 

"Can Molly come over earlier than 6 p.m., please?" he sweetly asks. 

"Sure," I allow with a soft smile. "She can come over at 4 p.m."

"Thanks!" he chirps, instantly texting Molly.

"Hey, just remember no sex until you two are much older," Cole seriously tells him.

While Liam and I snicker at him, and Micah's slack jaw and wide eyes; "I - we- ugh, we're not ready for that, Cole."

Morgan whimpers softly, pulling my attention back to him, to find he's finished his bottle. Pulling the empty bottle from his lips, I wipe the milk filled drool from his mouth before lifting him to my shoulder to burp him. By the time I've finished burping him, he's fast asleep, so I carefully stand to lie him in the extra wide bassinet - it's big enough to lie all three babies together at the same time. 

"Molly will be here at four," Micah says, and I nod. "I'm going to go get ready."

By 11:50 p.m., everyone is having a great time, completly sober since we all have children, but what surprises me and Liam - hell everyone but Cole, is when he gets down on one knee to propose to Liam and me. He has a black velvet box in his left beefy hand, that he pops open to reviel two beautiful rings - both are thin silver bands with gems encrusted along the band. 

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