Five Hours

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Katie's P.O.V.

It toke me five hours to get all those bunnies of the Demeter cabin.I'm exaggerating I had Miranda and Violet(my younger sister) with me and it toke about I'd say about three and half hours.If it were a regular roof it would have taken like half an hour to clean it.But NO the Demeter cabin had to have two feet wheat growing on it.Why couldn't it be grass or daises.So here's what we did:Me and Violet would go on roof and Miranda would be holding the ladder.Next me and Vi toke as much coco bunnies as we could (we filled up six three ft buckets).Then Miranda would come up and Vi went down,Miranda brought two scythes and we cut the wheat and but them in buckets ( you ask how buckets we filled up? Three).Then we collected the remaining bunnies.When we were done I was practically swimming in a pool of sweat.We had missed breakfast and two classes.I was pissed because I had missed archery class and breakfast all I had eaten was half a bagel.Good thing Layla ( another daughter of Demeter) had brought us food.She set them in our cabin.As we sat down to eat Miranda said "I have never been so hungry in my life"."Me too,wait except this time when I-never mind"Violet hadn't said anything it was because she was too busy scarfing down her pancakes.Me and Miranda looked at her and began scarfing down our breakfast.After late Breakfast I noticed I was smelling like elephant dung."Guys I'm going to go take a shower".Vi and Randa nodded as I went to my dresser.Grabbing something random and a towel I headed towards the shower.Now like some people they get into the shower and turn the handle for water,but I do something different I turn the handle without being in the shower and turn it until It's just right.When I turned the handle blue water fell on my hand.I held my scream inside and wept my hand on the towel,but there was a problem the blue must of been dye because it wasn't coming off.In the shower the water was now clear and warm so I went in.I knew this trick,it was the kool-aid- in- the-shower-head.I had played this prank on the Stoll and Conner's skin was purple for a week.Now I know how it feels.I got out of the shower,dried me and my hair,changed into my clothes and toke a quick look in the mirror.I had pulled my hair in a ponytail a simple green t shirt and some jean shorts and a blue hand.I pulled on my white converse and headed out to yell at the Stoll and go to my fourth class.

you know the old put-chocolate-bunnies-on-her-roof trick.So I have been thinking to call you Rainbow dolphins.Cookie Monsters or Traite lovers.Comment on which one you like!


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