He landed on his butt/Plan is working smoothly/I'm having....

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Katie's P.O.V.

So out of no where,like five minutes after I got locked in Travis come stumbling in.He must of been shoved in.He had  his eyes closed.He fell on his butt.I helped him up and asked "Care to explain why the hell I'm here"He replied "I have no idea.So we talked.I asked him if he knew what time it was.I learned he carried a digital watch.The magical plates came I asked for some salad and Travis got cheese pizza

Conner's P.O.V.

So far Project Tratie was working out smooth.I got Piper we eavesdropped on them.I didn't know Travis had a watch on today.We had to take a break to eat lunch.I asked Piper to ask Leo for the magical plates.She also got a Hecate kid to make the plates appear in the shed for ten drachmas.While we were eavesdropping my sister Erin happened to be in the woods( the shed is near the wood..I think)She ended up eavesdropping too,this is how it happened:"Conner what are yo-" Erin said. I interrupted her be putting my finger to my lips and used my hand to tell her to come.Once we told her what we were doing she got the idea.

Travis's P.O.V.

"I'm taking pizza"I said "Okay,I'm taking a salad" Katie said. "Cheese pizza" I said to my plate. Immediately a cheese pizza appeared.I had felt kinda silly talking to a plate but totally worth it.I gulped down my pizza.Katie did the same with her salad."So what now" She asked."Uh.. go explore the rest of the shed?'' I said.I don't know why but,I felt a little tongue tied."Sure"Katie answered.She got up and walked a few feet and looked at me.''Aren't you coming?''She asked "Um..Katie-kat I feel like bitch for not telling you this but, there is a back door'' I said.''Yes Travis you  bitch and why didn't you tell me earlier!Let's go!''She said.She turned around and ran to the back of the shed.

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