It happened

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Conner's P.O.V.

Okay I know I said me and Piper would only keep them in there for a couple hours.When in reality we keeped them in for four hours and thirty minutes.Erin,Piper and I got so excited and I regret nothing! A little after lunch Erin got this Hecate boy named Mark.We where going to ask Lou Ellen but Piper said we had a better chance if we ask Mark.Apparently he has giant crush on Erin and will blindly do anything for her.He asked for payment so I gave him some drachmas.I once looked over my shoulder and saw Miranda looking at me.Not with a He's-so-hot look more like a What-the-hell-are-you-doing look.I shot her a pleading face and she pressed her lips and went back to doing whatever she was doing.

Miranda's P.O.V.

I was plucking some red flowers and carefully keeping an eye on Conner.I really don't want to admit this but I need to say it. like....Conner.I don't even know how.I mean everyday it goes like this, the Stolls prank the Demeter cabin,Katie yells at them,they pretend to be sorry and that's it.Such a great day to start the way.When he got Piper and was taking her some where, I got a little jealous.The two halfs of my brain were fighting.
Are they dating? One half said
No, Piper would never cheat on Jason. The other half said
Are you sure? They first half said
Positive.Now shut up! The second half said
Fine.the first half said

He probably needs help.Or he's showing her something.I thought.He looked over his shoulder and saw me looking.I didn't lower my gaze.He gave me a pleading look which I returned by pressing my lips and going back to plucking flowers.

Travis's P.O.V.

"Can we get out now?" I asked Conner." Under one condition." Katie moved to the front of her seat."You".He said pointing a finger at me."Have to kiss her" Moving the finger to Katie.Me and Katie both winced.Katie looked at Piper "Help"

Piper looked at us with concern in her face "Sorry guys.I let Conner lead this.I was just his helper" Our faces fell.After a minute or two Katie said "Conner,you just earned three hard slaps"."You mean you'll do it?" Conner asked.Katie snorted and stood up"Is there another way out?"."No" Conner said firmly."Fine,we'll do it" I said.I walked over to where Gardner was standing.I grabbed her waist and leaned down to kiss her.As soon as my lips touched hers fireworks exploded inside me.I was actually kissing Gardner.

Yay! I made them kiss!! Last time I saved Travis by not telling Katie his crush.I was thinking that Piper could save them but dismissed the idea.The rest on the kiss will be in the next chappie.Also instead of you guys just waiting till next week and having the characters being frozen in time I updated today.I know how it feels to be waiting for that day when the author's last chappie was a cliffhanger and you're anxious to know what happens next.Any way next chappie will be next year!JK it's going to be next week.I probably scared all of you when you read that sentence,you know what I'm talking about.Comment your reactions! Feel free to message me! Eat blue stuff! And remember to fangirl (or fanboy) every day! Hope you liked your present! Goodbye my rainbow dolphins!


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