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There was one thing you knew about today that had stuck by you since the moment you'd opened your eyes.

The world was not in your favour.

You had gotten up late that morning. Had gotten a coffee from some overpriced shop, cause you were in a hurry. Had your hair half done up and barely looking plausible. Yet, you came to work, telling yourself it couldn't get worse. but it did. The man who had spared you - had saved your life - was only inches away, in the room you'd just left. It was just you in the hallway, waiting for the millionaire - no big deal.

Eventually you found yourself slowing down. from the silence emitting from the room, you'd assumed he was most likely still too far back. Whether someone was talking to him or not was beyond you. What concerned you in that moment was how you were going to deal with working with Kambe Daisuke. You were about to start moving again, but you felt someone staring. The kind of tension that raised your hairs on the back of your neck and the kind that makes your muscles tense. Your feet rotated, turning to see none other than the rich man himself directly in your field of vision. 


You jumped, almost falling back into the doorway you were walking to just moments ago.

His hand shot forward, latching onto your arm - your healing arm - the one he'd applied a tourniquet to in what seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Tsss - Ow-" You cringed.

His grip switched to your back, supporting you mid-fall. His expression stayed the same - blank and stoic.

"Detective," he began, and you were reminded of how his voice sounded - though this time, instead of his words being directed at a madman, they were directed at you; the only other person in the hallway with him. "I thought you knew I was behind you." Kambe straightened himself, helping you to your feet.

"Sorry, I--I didn't hear you." You too attempted to straighten your own posture. The pain in your arm was already bad enough; but you were sure Kambe couldn't have known it would hurt like this. Though, silently you hoped he could have - because saving you on that terrace was surely a night to remember. So, you wondered..

If he remembered you in the same way you remembered him.

"Umm," You inhaled, taking in his features. Those same crystal eyes stared back at you like the night they had all those months ago. His hair was slicked back and dark; the tiniest piece just hanging off his forehead. He looked the same as he did all those nights ago, and you would never forget it.

"Do you remember me?"

His bottom eyelids pushed up and you took in another deep breath, asking the question of the hour. It was the one you'd been trying to avoid - but you felt like there would never really be a more appropriate time to ask again. His head gently swayed to the side, his expression staying relatively unchanging; something you knew he did quite often. 

"I was on that terrace.." You were lost in his trance, silently begging him to halt any judgement, "That criminal who took the little girl hostage? He, um.. he shot me, and.." You wished you didn't have to mention this part. Talking about Haru wasn't going to do you any good; you were sure that if you even mentioned his name you'd tear up. Doubting that Kambe knew Haru enough to even recognise his name was also a strong point in why your words faltered. "..you saved me."

His eyes moved to the floor, his brows creasing in the slightest way. When he looked up at you again his apathetic expression returned.

"I remember you."

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