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The next thing you knew, you were in a car.

It was the late evening now - dark skies were illuminated only by the bright stars trickling across its very surface. That and the almost blindingly yellow tinted streetlights you parked next to. The car you sat in was none other than yours; in fact, it had been yours for a long time. Actually, you bought it in your early years in the department. It was a white coated vehicle that had three seats in the back and two soft seats in the front. It wasn't big, nor large - but it was more than enough for you alone. Just on your lap was a notepad where you would write anything noteworthy. And, just next to you, was a camera.

The thing is, you weren't alone. The man in the black suit sitting next to you proved that point to be true.

Kambe had agreed to join you on this investigation to further understand the person you'd be dealing with in the coming days. Isezaki - a model. Seemingly the culprit for extensive drug use and drug distribution among Roppongi. You said seemingly, but you were almost sure that it was true thanks to Daisuke's handy-dandy earrings. You've been compelled to ask about them since the night you two met; though you've never really had the chance. Now that you were alone, however, and the heat in your cheeks was beginning to grow stronger, you figured now was the best time for anything.

"Kambe," You exclaimed, your voice firm despite your inner feelings. His eyes were off on something else - but as he heard your voice, he slowly turned his head to face you. It was the sort of curious yet apathetic glare that he gave off which made you wonder what you had been wondering since yesterday.

What are you thinking, Kambe?

"I, uh," You suddenly regretted speaking, finally acknowledging the silent tension between you two, "I wanted to ask about your earrings. I mean -- I know what they do, but.. well, maybe I don't. I just know they're important."

His head tilted in the slightest way. He was showing interest; even if it was only a little.

"How do you know of their importance?"

His words and tone kept you glued to your seat, unable to form a proper word. There was no doubt that just his stare was intimidating - it sent shivers through your entire system.

"You, um," You turned your head away from his eyes to divert your attention from his judging eyes, now facing the buildings illuminated by the streetlights outside your car window, "You used it.. back on the terrace. You spoke to someone through it.. HEUSC, right? I can't remember it all too vividly." The thing was, you could remember it vividly. So vividly that it seemed like you could relive that moment right then and there. Nothing could deter you from the distant memory of your life being spared by the man in the seat next to you. Not a detail could go missing from such a pivotal moment.

"If you're really interested, it's my Butler." Once again Kambe's voice became the driving force for your growing nervousness. To be alone with someone this important to you was surely a recipe for disaster.

"You have a butler?" You knew it was obvious that somebody like him would have a butler, but you were surprised nonetheless. There was silence and you looked to Daisuke again - catching his icy cold glare. Once again, your mind was tempted with the same question. What are you thinking?

"I have more than one - but that has nothing to do with our investigation."

In a way, you wanted to keep his eyes on you. Despite the way he seemed so intimidating with those judging glares, you couldn't help but feel like there was something going on beneath it. Beneath the icy cold exterior. Beneath whatever he was hiding - because he was definitely hiding something. You just wished you could break past that ice.. but, like most things, rewards come with time and patience. So even if it took years to understand just what exactly Kambe was thinking, you'd be patient. And you would take your time.

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