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The air seemed to hold your breath in a frenzy of quiet, passive in's and out's. No rhythm was kept each time an inhale coursed through your body, and there was no plan for the exhale. You clutched the fabric of your pants to find clarity in a situation like this. After all, it was not what you'd be planning to do the day after Daisuke Kambe returned from his business trip.

You sat in a ethereal garden of well-placed and well-trimmed bushes, pathways clearing your mind as you thought of a way to escape. What captivated you the most about this situation was that you were nervous - even though you'd been to his home once before, it was hard not to be terrified by the old woman staring you down with a predatory glare.

A frail figure sat in a large kimono, beige and blue creating contrast to the overgrowth-like environment. Her hair was silk and grey, showing years had gone by without anything to really lose. She lived in the house of the Kambe family - she stayed in this sanctuary of safety with the power of riches. She held the glare you'd become familiar with; the piercing eyes reminding you of Daisuke's. When she opened her mouth to speak, you made the connection.

"I am Kikuko, his grandmother."

Her head turned to her left, facing Kambe, who was kneeling next to you in the open home. She turned back to you, analysing you - figuring you out with nothing but a glare. It was only mandatory you introduced yourself.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n)."

Kikuko's head dipped, a much more passive expression plaguing her face. It seemed despite her age she was still without the achy wrinkles that came with old age. It was natural - it was Kambe's grandmother, after all. She could pay her wrinkles away. You stifled back a laugh, chuckling inside at the thought.


The caution came back as your eyes jerked to Kikuko, her head raising again as a smile brought comfort to your fear. It didn't stop the hairs raising on the back of your neck, though.

"That is such a wonderful name."

You stared at her and caught notice of her round, velvet glasses fitting perfectly amidst her facial features. You returned her smile as the compliment left her mouth, and she continued with ease. She adjusted herself against the mat you sat on, and you turned to your right, making eye contact with yet another Kambe. Suzue, Kambe.

Her hair fell down to her shoulders in a lovely, silky way - permed in a straight fashionable style and cut to just the right length. You admired the way she effortlessly managed to look so presentable - if you came to work looking like that every day, you'd never worry about anything ever again. You turned to your very own figure, slightly picking at your nails once unclenching the fabric of your pants. You felt so much smaller compared to her - compared to her genuine beauty. But you expected nothing less from a Kambe.

"Thank you for taking good care of Daisuke."

You raised your head in a daze, the words shooting through you as you made eye contact with Kikuko again. "Um, well-" Your eyes darted to Daisuke, who kept his expression firm and calculated. Just like Kikuko's. Was he not affected by the words she'd let come from her mouth?

Suzue made a movement and you felt compelled to turn to her next. You looked over and saw a box placed in her hands as she placed it in front of her Grandmother with a smile. "This is a souvenir from Hong Kong." Kikuko returned it, grinning, "Is that so? Why don't we all enjoy it together, then?"

They chatted amongst themselves, and you began to quiet down. The focus was no longer on you, and you felt relieved - letting your eyes roam freely now, landing on Daisuke. However, something was different.

LOVE: UNLIMITED - D.K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now