Chapter 1

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"Mother! For the last time, I don't want to marry that Paxley boy!" Guinevere shouts. "Think of the kingdom, dear." Her mother argues. "But, my whole life is already planned. It's not supposed to be that way!"

"Guinevere Baroque, listen to your mother." Her father shouts. "No! I'm not a child anymore, so you can stop making decisions for me!"

Furious, she runs to her room and locks the door. She lay on her bed crying. "I don't understand. I can't just marry someone I don't know..." But just then, she remembers something.

She met that boy a long time ago. The would play together in the gardens every day, but as they grew older, he changed. He became so full of himself. Caught up in all of his training and all sorts of things. He had many admirers who were all jealous of Guinevere as soon as they heard that she was going to be his wife.

"But I don't like him." She thought. "That's it. I'm sick and tired of this family. I don't want to be a part of it anymore." And with that, she immediately packed some supplies, her spellbooks, and jumped off her balcony. Sneaking off wasn't that easy if you were a princess, because there would be guards everywhere. But for Guinevere, it was a piece of cake. The guards immediately saw her trying to get away, but she thumped on the ground, sending the guards up into the air. While they were still knocked up, she summoned two orbs that circled around her, knocking them up again, and again. When that was done, the guards were all unconscious on the ground. Celebrating her small victory, she ran off to the woods, not knowing what dangers would be hiding there.

It's been a few hours since she left the castle, and she hasn't seen anything, or anyone for that matter, and she was already exhausted. The sun is setting, so she decides to build a small shelter to stay in overnight. She grabs some sticks, rocks, and leaves. Placing herself down on the ground, with her satchel beside her, she rests and drifts off to sleep.

The next morning, she woke up with some pain in the back of her neck. "Hmm...I guess sleeping on the ground isn't very comfortable." She says, thinking of her soft bed back at the castle.

"Well, I better start walking to that village."

She picks up her satchel and starts her journey. Growing quite weary just after 30 minutes of walking, she thought, "Oh! I should just use my magic." But then, she hears something approach her from behind. "Who's there?" She asks, afraid. No answer.

"Don't attempt to scare me. I can use magic, you know." "Oh really?" Someone responds, with a raspy voice. It wasn't a person in the bushes, it was a blood demon! Guinevere heard of these creatures from the books that she used to read, and they say that they feed off the blood of mortals. "Well look who it is. Princess Guinevere." "You know me?" She asks. "Well of course, everyone knows about your wedding with Gusion Paxley. What a shame if you perhaps...died?" "W-what? No! You leave me alone this instant!" But the demon dashed towards her, scratching Guinevere with his sharp claws. She couldn't see that well, or think straight. Falling, the demon took the chance to kill her on the spot. Too weak to use magic, she thought, "I should have never left."

Just then, she hears a violin playing from a distance not so far away. It sounded horrible. She thought that she was just hearing things, but the demon heard it too, for he fell to the ground and covered his ears, shrieking with pain. It stops. But another sound was heard. Is was the sound of gunshots, which pierced the demon, therefore, ending its life. Thinking that she would get shot too, she closed her eyes and just cried, saying her sorries and regrets. The last thing she remembered was feeling lifted off the ground and carried somewhere. After that, all went black.

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