Chapter 88

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Athena started screaming for help, although no one was able to help her or Azrail. It came to the point where her screaming got so loud, that she had to be slapped multiple times just so she would shut up.

"Finally, peace and quiet." Vexana sarcastically says.

"Now, are you gonna give us the Moon power now? Or not?" She adds.

Hesitant to speak, she does anyway.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't possess any power, so let us go!"

Azrail is beside her, not saying a word. He couldn't attack, because his gun and her sword was way out of their reach.

"We didn't do anything to you...what do you want this power for?" He asks.

"It enhances our abilities at night, and we believe that Athena possesses this power. Her mother is Miya, the Moonlight Archer, after all."

"Leave us alone!" Azrail screams, struggling with the strength of the Abyssians that held him back from protecting Athena or killing Vexana.

"Enough of this, just make the girl stay still. But before that, give me the gun."

Terizla hands the gun to Vexana, and she takes a look at it. All of a sudden, it disintegrates in her hands, turning into dust.

"Just so that you won't get any idea of fighting back." She explains.

"Don't hurt her!" He shouts, forced to watch the Twisted Summoner approach Athena.

Athena kicks and flails her legs around, hoping to make Vexana go away, but to no avail, for her legs were paralyzed, temporarily, by Vexana.

"I...don't have what you're looking for. I'm just an ordinary girl. Not special in anyway, and not special to anyone. So please...just let us go and we won't bother you ever again."

"Nonsense. Your mother probably hasn't told you yet, but now you know. Stay still, not unless you want to get hurt."

For Athena, the pain was excruciating, as if something from inside her was being ripped away from her, and there was. Tears welled up in her eyes she was forced to just endure the pain. Vexana only smiled and continued torturing the poor girl.

After a few more seconds of intolerable pain, a bright blue orb appeared on Vexana's hands.

"Finally, its mine!"

Athena falls onto the ground, weak and helpless. She groans in pain, and continues to cry. Beside her, Azrail starts to cry too

"Athena, I'm sorry for not protecting you, I'm sorry for everything. I'm just so weak...I can't do anything right. No matter how I try to protect you, I can't. The only thing that's keeping me going is the fact that you're really special to me, and you've done so many good things for me. At least before I die, I want you to know that... if you weren't here, I would have given up on my life by now. Thanks, Athena. You're my best friend."

"Stop being so emotional. Although, you really are weak. If you had been more careful, your friend wouldn't have gotten into this mess."

Minutes of blaming Azrail, she has enough. "Kill him, now. Might as well kill the girl too, for we have the power now. I get to choose who goes first." She says.

"Kill me, let Athena go." He replies.

"You know what, let the Athena girl go first. Moskov!" Vexana calls out, and the spearman steps forward.

"You know what to do."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her." Azrail warns, getting angry.

Moskov completely ignores him and aims his spear on her head.

"I SAID DON'T TOUCH HER!" He screams, breaking himself free from Terizla's grasp. He raises his hand, towards the sky, and some completely new gun appears, glowing a bright red aura. His eyes glow bright red too, and he runs to Moskov, who doesn't react, thinking that a mere child won't do that much harm, but he was wrong. He was shot multiple times, again and again. Until finally, he died, covered in his own blood. Guess the gun never ran out of bullets.

"Who wants to go next?" He asks, standing in front of Athena who was coughing out blood.

"Attack!" Vexana shouts, summoning a bunch of souls to attack Azrail. Among them, was Alucard. Others were deceased soldiers that died in the war.

He mercilessly shoots all of them dead, even his own uncle, for he knows that his uncle is in a safe place and this was not him. Athena, however, doesn't think the same way.

"Stop hurting him!"

"Your dad is in a better place. These souls are just weapons for Vexana." Azrail explains.

After a long and tiresome battle, all of the souls disappear, for they died, the second time. Except for Alucard, who miraculously manages to survive all of Azrail's attacks. Vexana escaped, sadly, but at least they were safe.

Attempting to stand up, Azrail helps her up.

"Dad? Can you hear me?"

No response for a few seconds, but he replies with a soft but audible, "Athena?"

"Is it really you?" She asks, hesitant.

"I thought I died..."

"You did. Vexana put a curse on you." Azrail explains.

"Is he still cursed, Azrail?" Athena asks.

He observes that the green glow surrounding his body is gone, so that means he was okay.

"Nope, he's okay."
She begins to walk up to him, slowly. Athena quickens her pace, and walking turns to running.

"Come home with me..."

"Sorry, Athena, I can't. I only have a few more minutes before I-"

"Go to heaven?" Azrail replies.

"You could say that..."

"Don't leave"

"I don't have a choice. I'll miss you so much. Plus, Granger raised a good son."

"You're not weak, Azrail, I look up to you everyday. You're so brave, and strong...I could never."

"Really? Thanks."

"Athena, sorry to ruin the moment, but I can't be here anymore. Goodbye..."

" you..."

"Love you too Athena. Take care of her Azrail."

"Wait what-"

"Bye..." he says, as his image slowly fades away, into nothingness. Just in time, the sun rises.

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