Chapter Thirteen

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"You've got to be kidding me?" Wooyoung sighed as he watched San lay on his bed in the early morning, Byeol sprawled out at his feet. "That's just pathetic," he shook his head and turned back to making breakfast.

Maybe he had been too loud because a few minutes later he found that San was sitting up on his bed petting the small dog.

"Sorry, did I wake you up with my disbelief?" Wooyoung muttered as he stirred the soup on the stove top. "I just can't believe that dog. Who does he think he is?"

"He's cuter than you," San muttered back as he stroked Byeol's soft fur. "Isn't that right, Byeolie?"

"That's it, he's leaving!" Wooyoung threatened, turning around to face San who was staring at him with a small smirk on his face.

"Are you jealous of the dog?"

"Bullshit," Wooyoung growled before he left the stove and went to get changed into his uniform which hung by the bathroom. It took San a few minutes before he also stood up and joined Wooyoung in brushing his teeth and getting ready in the small bathroom mirror.

Wooyoung flicked his hair into place and smoothed it over with damp hands. He looked over at San's bed head and snickered before he took his shirt off and set it against the sink as he pulled the white button up over his frail shoulders.

San turned and looked him over. "You've gained some weight. Good," he murmured as he also took off his shirt, revealing well sculpted pecs as well as abs that Wooyoung had to pull his eyes away from. "Jeez," he muttered, shaking his head. "Who even needs that many abs?"

"Me," San muttered as he concentrated on buttoning his shirt, missing a few holes.

"Stop," Wooyoung sighed as he took over, unbuttoning all of the buttons before doing them again from the bottom. He was well aware of how close his hands were to San's toned abs but he tried to ignore that fact.

San watched him with a careful eye as he got up past his stomach and to his chest. Wooyoung buttoned up to the last two buttons and looked around. "Where is your tie?"

"Here," San handed it over, interested to see if Wooyoung would also do his tie for him.

He did. Pulling it around San's neck, he knotted the tie and pushed it up around San's neck. Normally the black tie would be discarded or loose. Not today. Today it was as tight as Wooyoung's was.

"You look more professional now," Wooyoung noted as he stepped back and admired his handiwork. "Much better. You look like you could be a proper nerd now."

"No thanks," San was about to reach up and grab his tie to loosen it when Wooyoung slapped his hands away.

"Stop. Don't you dare."

"Did you just slap me?" San hissed, gripping Wooyoung's wrist.

Wooyoung turned and gave him a glance before he walked out of the bathroom. "Best get used to that if you're going to be living with me all summer, huh?"

Without another word, Wooyoung was in the kitchen, setting all their food out. "I'm going to go out then."

"Not without eating," San blocked his way out and forced him to sit down at the table and eat the rice he had spooned out for him. "You're still too skinny."

"I'm fine," Wooyoung muttered, but receiving a look from San decided it was better to just eat instead of trying to make a run for it, in which he would probably be knocked to the ground.

Byeol squeaked and came to sit down in San's lap, which made the older of the two human boys smirk and lay his hand down so that puppy, who was probably a few weeks old, could rest against it.

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