Chapter Sixteen

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"That's not what I meant!" Wooyoung threw his hands up in the air as he ran into the bathroom to get the medical supplies. "If they're going to beat you up, you have to fight back! That's just self defense!"

"I'm fine," San said yet again, for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last hour. "They just landed a few good punches."

"You're so-!" Wooyoung cut himself off as he took out the alcohol. "I'm not even going to feel bad for you when this stings. You're so stupid!"

San didn't argue as Wooyoung went to take care of his bloody face. When Officer Jeong had dropped him off in front of the house, Wooyoung had already finished working and was returning for lunch.

He of course freaked out when he saw the state that San's face was in and rushed him inside, where his rant started.

"I can't believe you let them do that to you! Do you have no common sense? If you were fighting with everyone you came across before, how do you think they're going to react now that you don't fight anymore? They're going to come after you and beat you up! You have to protect yourself."

"It's going to be fine," San said calmly, raising his chin so that Wooyoung could see better. "Officer Jeong already told me to call him personally if I get jumped."

"Wow... that's nice of him..."

"I suppose so."

"Anyway," Wooyoung put the medical supplies back into the first aid kit. "Go and rest. The restaurant is closed today so I'm going over to Yeosang's house."

"You're going to Yeosang's house? Kang Yeosang?" San followed Wooyoung out of the bathroom with a frown on his face. "It sounds like a boyfriend is introducing his girlfriend here. Are his parents going to be home."

"Stop it," Wooyoung gave him a look. "He's my best friend, it's only natural that I go over to his house, right?"

"You haven't even known him for long," San looked rather cross.

Wooyoung stopped before he turned around and took in the look on San's face. "Are you really jealous? You are, aren't you? You're being totally possessive!" The look of glee on his face couldn't be contained.

"I'm not."

"Aww, don't worry," Wooyoung walked over to where San was standing and reached up, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek which surprised him. "I only like you."

"Oh really?"

"Of course."

"Good," San bent down and picked Byeol off the ground. "I think I might've scared him."

Byeol proceeds to yip and lick on San's face.

"No, I think he's alright."

"Well, shouldn't you get ready for your date with Yeosang's parents?" San, still feeling salty, walked back to his bed and sat down, picking up a book next to him with a sigh. "I think I've turned too domestic."

"That's alright, I like you more this way," Wooyoung finished putting the rice in the rice makers as he brushed off his hands and leaned against the counter. "There's less blood and yelling... although clearly we still have some of that, don't we?"

San rolled his eyes. "Testing is next month, right? Come home early and study more."

"I will," Wooyoung glanced at the clock. "Alright, I'll be going now. Make sure you stay inside and stay out of trouble. And make sure to call me or Yunho-hyung if something bad happens!"

"Since when did he start calling that bastard Yunho-hyung?" San muttered as Wooyoung closed the front door behind him. "Whatever."


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