Chapter 1

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Jin's POV

I sat on a chair as I stared at Jisoo's sleeping body on the bed.

After those three words I never wanted her to tell me came out of her mouth, h*ll broke loose.


"Who are you?"

My hands trembled and my eyes widened once she said those three words.

Silence filled the room, when she was still staring at me like she doesn't care about anything, I spoke.

"J-Jisoo, cut the cr*p." I said and held her shoulders.

I didn't want to accept it, her amnesia was kicking in like never before.

"Who's that...?" Jisoo said with an emotionless look on her face.

My head shot to Taehyung who looked at me with a concerned look.

"W-What happened to her?" I said.

"I'm sorry Jin..." Taehyung said and looked down.

"You're a warlock Taehyung! C-Can't you help her?" I said while I touched Jisoo's cheek.

"I-I'm inexperienced and I can only put negative spells on people." Taehyung explained.

"It's too late Jin... She forgot eveything."

-Flashback end-

Taehyung left me to take care of Jisoo since he knows Jungkook has trust issues with a warlock.

H*ll he would've asked Lisa or Joy to take care of Jisoo but, they were busy with their activities.

Since I was the only one available, he had no other choice but to pick me.

But d*mn when he comes back I'm done for.

I'm just thankful Jisoo still understands Korean and can speak fluently.

"Jisoo!" A voice said when the door opened.

I lifted my head up and saw Lisa with tears in her eyes and a red face.

She walked towards me with full speed before giving me a slap on the face.

"You j*rk!" Lisa yelled at me causing me to flinch.

"H-How dare you..." Lisa said while sitting beside Jisoo.

"Unnie... Unnie w-wake up please!" Lisa said desperately while shaking Jisoo slowly.

"Let her rest." I heard a female's voice said behind me.

I turned my back and saw not only Joy, but SungJae as well by her side.

"This arrogant *sshole." SungJae said while walking fowards me and grabbed me by the collar.

"How dare you try and steal Joy from me you b*st*rd."

"Not only that, you broke Jisoo heart too you J*RK!" He said before his fist landed on my face causing me to fall.

"Sung Jae..." Taehyung said and pulled him away from me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, their words didn't help with the guilt building inside of me.

It was my fault it was there in the first place.

"Guys enough." Joy said and faced me.

"He will get what he deserves when Jungkook comes back." She said and looked at Jisoo.

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