31. Homewrecker 💔

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Haneefah POV.

I was sitting on my dresser stool, staring at my reflection on the mirror and grimacing at what had become of me.

I looked pale and void, my expression held nothing but pain and all I ever did was to cover it up with a smile. In short, I looked messed up.

Haneef's absence made my sense of insecurity heighten. I don't know what's happening with Ikhlas and her sneaky act these days. She goes out without letting me know her whereabouts and comes back acting like nothing happened.

I just wished no one kept anything from me, I would have felt more wanted and I wouldn't have to struggle in keeping those horrible thoughts from invading my subconscious mind.

What will happen to me if it turned out to be that I will never have a child of my own?

Will Ikhlas and haneef ditch me and move on with their lives?

"Sure they will my dear, aren't you seeing the signs already" The devilish part of my mind answered. It has always been like that these days, like that part owns a mansion in my head and is trying to chase everything out leaving only hatred and spite. Am going crazy right? You can say that I guess.

"Just shut up will you" I said, trying to get it off my head.

"It's official you are going insane. More of a reason why you shouldn't be with my son" I heard which startled me.

" Good afternoon Ma" I greeted her and as usual, she didn't spare me another glance. It's high time I get used to it right? Well yeah am so used to it that it doesn't hurt cause I really don't Care anymore.

" So you have finally decided to acknowledge my presence. After ignoring my salam" she replied with a hiss as she turned and headed back for the sitting room. Am glad she thought I ignored her cause if I actually heard her maybe i still wouldn't have answered.

I went back to my bed, trying to ignore the fact that she was in the sitting room alone but decided against it. Whatever it is she did to me doesn't change the fact that she gave birth to my husband and she is my Uncle's wife.

I stood up and went to the sitting room.

"Ikhlas isn't at home, what should I get you ma?" I asked, with all my mind hopping that she wouldn't eat anything and thankfully she waved her hand which I somehow understood that she was dismissing me.

I gladly stood up and headed back to the comforts of my room. Not long after, I heard Ikhlas enter with a salam before greeting her. She happily answered and ushered her to seat.

"Haneefah!" I heard her call and I answered, bracing myself for any spiteful comment.

"Go get water for Ikhlas she looks thirsty and don't forget that the water shouldn't be too cold cause it wouldn't be good for the baby" she said without even raising her head to look at me.

My head immediately shot up in shock and Ikhlas looked shocked as well.

"Don't worry ma I can go get it myself" she replied standing up for the kitchen And the woman shook her head which meant a capital NO!

"Haneefah go get water for her" she repeated in a calm but firm voice.

I went to the kitchen, got the water and handed it over to her.

She took the water with trembling hands and it lingered in her hands before she took a sip out of it and kept it close to her.

"Haneefah take the cup back to the kitchen" she asked again.

" Am not done yet, it'll still drink it letter." Ikhlas replied and she nodded her head.

" Come sit " Ikhlas said, now referring to me as she patted the empty seat close to her, giving me an apologetic look.

Her eyes lingered on my face a bit longer, looked like she was trying to read my emotions.

"You can just go back to your room" she said. Finally realizing that I'll rather stay in my room than this hellhole.

I nodded my head and went back to my room.

"You see, this is what I have been telling you. Ikhlas you have so much power you are just not realizing it. But am glad you are finally using it" I heard my mother inlaw say and realization hit me like a thunderbolt.

So Ikhlas have been pretending all these while.

She conspired with my Mother in law to cast me out of my husband's house.

She wants to enslave me in my own husband's house.

So those weird dreams weren't meaningless all along.

It was an omen, a warning.

What have I done to deserve this?

They talked for a while before she decided to leave and Ikhlas saw her off.

This isn't the Ikhlas I knew.
What Happened to the most caring and considerate person on the face of the Earth?
Where is the Ikhlas who was like a sister to me?
This is an entirely different person.

I felt betrayed, I was hurt not by what she did but the fact that she of all people would do such to me.

Well it's true that humans change and this one am seeing isn't the Ikhlas I knew.

I closed my eyes, silently praying for the sake of my husband's journey, I hope he comes back safely. Maybe I would be able to contain the anger simmering inside me.

The anger that made me clenching and unclenching my sweaty fists. I was a bucket full of mixed emotions. I was sad, Angry, anxious but most of all I was utterly heartbroken. My heart felt like a million shattered pieces and only one person could glue them back together.

And in my heart I swore I would do anything in my power to get my man back.

She came in with a salam and I shot her a death glare.

"Haneefah am sorry it's not what you think. You know I can never turn against you. She wants me to but you know I will never do such" she said with her voice pleading with me.

She knew I was angry but she didn't know I was way too angry for her lies to have an effect on me.

I was done believing her, done having faith in her and done hoping that she would tell me everything she was hiding.

" Have you come to add salt to my wounds? Mrs Ikhlas The Homewrecker" I asked and Surprisingly I didn't feel any remorse for my words.


Den! Den!! Den!! 😱

Haneefah is letting hell lose

What do you think Ikhlas is hiding?

Do you really think Ikhlas conspired with haneef's mom?

Stay tuned for the answers to your questions.

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