38. Truth 💔

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Haneefah POV.

"Ohh yeah it's not true, sorry I made a mistake. I just remembered that you don't need a wizard cause you are a witch yourself" I spat back, my voice laced with so much venom.

I could sense the hurt and anger in her. Why would she be hurt when she was the causative agent of all of this?

This is what she wanted and I see no wrong in giving her to her fill.

Even though I feel bad whenever I hurt her, it doesn't change the fact that I hate her for trying to ruin me.

"Assalamualaikum" I heard. I turned my head and my eyes met Ummah's, and my stomach immediately churn in fear.

Ummah doesn't come to my house unless it's something very important. She always have me come over.

"Waalaiki salam good evening ma" I greeted her, swallowing the lump in my throat.

She didn't even answer my greetings before turning to Humaira and Fati.
"Don't you have husbands? Or didn't you know that you are supposed to be under your husband's roofs by this time?" She said sternly and they both scurried out.

" Let me see them off Ummah have a seat" i said, my body trembling.

" You don't have to" she replied before shooting me a death glare.

" When did you become cold and cruel Hannefah? What did Ikhlas do to deserve such treatment from you? Is it a crime for both of you to share the same husband?" She asked and the next thing we heard was a sound of something falling off.

We both turned to the direction and I  froze by the sight before me. It was a shocked looking Yaya Haneef with his bag lying on the floor. Looked like he overheard our conversation.

"Welcome back Yaya" I said as my trembling hands picked up his bag.

" What am I hearing about you and Ikhlas?" He asked, he looked hurt, disappointed and angry.

Inalillah am doomed, This is a disaster.

He dejectedly found his way to the chair and slumped down.

"Tell me everything without leaving any detail" he said through gritted teeth. He looked like it was taking every ounce of strength in him to contain his anger and I reluctantly told him everything.

" Am so disappointed in you Haneefah, how could you have taken my mother's words to heart when you know she never liked Ummah or you" he said shaking his head.

" For your information, we went to the hospital that day because she said it was high time the baby started kicking and it's not. She was scared that the baby might not be alive in her stomach so we had to go for an Ultrasound scanning" and it hit me like thunderbolt.

The tears formed from embarrassment and pain in my heart, soon they were steaming down my face in a silent race down my cheeks. " Then why didn't she tell me?"

" She said that she doesn't want to add to your burden so it's better you don't know. After all the baby is Hale and hearty" he Said as he held his temple in his palms.

My blood ran cold as her true intentions shined through. The reality of the situation hit me like a mean Upper-cut and I became even more terrified than before.

"Hannefah am so disappointed In you. For that girl to put up with you without complain for almost three months." Ummah said, tears dropping from her eyes.

"Inalillah wa Inna illaihi rajiuun" was what I kept muttering.

My heart hurt at that, so all these while she had my interest in heart. I  am such an awful person, I know she never will be able to forgive me.

I loathe myself so much that I feel nothing will be okay, at least not anytime soon because I  had taken a big part of Ikhlas. I still didn't understand much of what had happened between us, maybe I Never would and only the thought of that  brought me so much pain.

"I was foolish" I muttered under my breath. Saying it was physically painful, like the tremble in my voice had twisted the knife sticking out of my chest. I wasn't sure if I had hit my rock bottom but I knew the reality had set in. Only the thought of that made me want to rip my feeble heart out.

I disappointed my mother.

Made my husband lose faith in me.

Inflicted pain on my best friend.

So what type of human does that make me? The worst kind right? Yeah I know.

"Yaya I don't deserve forgiveness from her, she will never forgive me, I have finally lost that sister I never had in my life. Did you see the look on her face before she went out? It shows pure hatred Yaya" I ranted as the rest of the words drowned in my sobs.

" How could you get swayed by my mother's words?" His voice more calm now and all I did was cry and continuously shake my head.

"If your father and grandma hears this they'll be heartbroken." Ummah said which raised my fear to infinity.

"Ummah please don't tell them" I  earnestly pleaded with her.

" You expect me to cover up for you when you couldn't even put up with someone who was your Bestfriend and saved your marriage when it was at the verge of breaking" she said, with her glare shooting daggers at me.

Yaya had been quiet for a while now. His face in his palms as he rocked back and forth.

" Yaya please say something, beat me, insult me but please don't keep shut like this" I pleaded admist tears.

" By Allah Yaya I promise to do anything to have all of you back. J know she won't forgive me easily Yaya but I'll do anything" I added.

He heave a sigh before saying " now the question is Where is Ikhlas?" And we immediately brought out our phones and started dialing her number.

"Yaya she isn't picking mine. I Know she wouldn't but just decided to give it a try. Yaya or Ummah please call her, she'll definitely pick up your calls" and they both begin to call her.

After some minutes she finally picked Ummah's call and we both scooted closer while ummah put the call on speaker.

To our utmost surprise it was the voice of a man and what he said hit me like a bombshell. 

" The owner of this phone just had an accident and is being transferred to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital in an Ambulance"

So Haneefah is back to her senses and we don't know yet if Ikhlas will live or die.

Let's start praying for Ikhlas and her baby.

Will Ikhlas be able to find it in her heart to forgive her friend?

Find out in the next chapters.

Gracias to you all ♥️

Author's Note ❤️

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