13. The Return ♥️

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Three Years Later😎😎

Ikhlas POV.

I worm my way through the mass of bodies congregating at the exit of Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos Nigeria, sighing in frustration. I took a taxi to the car park and boarded a car to Ibadan.

Yes! Yes! It's actually what you are thinking, am now a certified nuclear medicine specialist. Can't wait to get home. I missed everyone," face timing, Audio calls and voice notes just aren't enough.

I plugged in my earphones, listening to SYMPHONY by Clean bandit. I closed my eyes, listening to the lyrics making me realize how much I missed everyone. I wonder how haneefah is doing, how many babies does she have now. I'll be so happy to meet my children, I know she will be so Angry at me for cutting all means of contact. The journey ended after 2hours and I boarded a taxi home.

"Hello am home!!!" I shouted as I opened the door, My mom was shocked before I was attacked with a vicious hug, the tight embrace making my already sore bones simultaneously cry in pain.

"Owwww!" Mom I winced in pain as I gingerly returned the hug.

" Why didn't you inform us that you were coming home today?" She asked a little bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Sorry! Just wanted to give you a surprise."

" Well you did surprise me" she answered.

Your dad travelled and your brothers are still in their boarding school.

I freshened up, prayed magrib and Isha before joining her in the dining room, I was greeted by a sweet aroma of Ogbono Soup and pounded yam. I ate to my satisfaction, ravishing every bit of it.

We cleared the table and washed the dishes together, chatting about all the things we missed about each other, after that, we talked to Dad on phone and said goodnight to each other. I laid on the warm comfort of my bed, face timed Delilah before allowing the tiredness and sleep wash over me.

What felt like only 10 mins later, I was woken by the shrill ringing of my phone which pierced the wall of sleep surrounding me, tearing it apart.

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes open and peered at the time; 2:47am. I frowned and glared at my phone, whosoever is calling me at 3 in the morning better have a damn good excuse why.
The caller ID flashed at me, deepening my glare. Of course it's Delilah.

"Delilah what do you want? It's 3am in the morning here and I really don't want to talk to you right now." I growled.

"But I missed you, she said. Guess what kyle just proposed to me. He asked me to marry him, am so happy" she squealed.

"Congratulations sweetie, am so happy for you. It's 3am here and am sure you will want me to get some rest so please I'll call you for the details later and you better tell me every bit of it." I tried cajoling her into letting me sleep.

"Ok babe you really need rest, sweet dreams" she said.

I flinged my phone aside, face palmed myself and went back to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, prayed Subh and went back to sleep. I finally woke up around 9am, tidied my room, washed my toilet, got ready and went downstairs for my breakfast.

I found tea and sandwiches on the dining with a note by my mom,

Morning sleepy head, that's your breakfast and don't forget to clear my table and wash your dishes.


I ate, cleared the table, and washed the dishes as instructed by the madam of the house. Then called Delilah for the full details of how she got engaged.

Haneefah POV.

"Come out and face me you monster, you barren, you witch. Whatever you did to my son that made him stopped heeding to my words, better go and Undo it before you all face my wrath. I came out of my room to meet my mother inlaw raining insults and curses on me.

"You are useless in my son's house, all you do is eat like a horse, provide for me a grandchild and you can't even do that. Just wait and see you and your useless thing of a mother will be put to shame. you will leave haneef's house and he is going to marry another woman."

"Mummy it's not like that, I would never turn your child against you". I explained. "I am not barren, when it's my time Allah will provide for me children that are going to make me happy, pls mummy............"

"Will you shut up!!!" She cut me off, "you lousy piece of crap. How dare you open your mouth to utter trash In my presence, and let me tell you something

"I promise you that all the charms you used on him will not be effective again.
Do you want to kill me? Is it my fault that you are barren? I need a grand child for crying out loud. You can't do that and you don't want anyone else to do it.
The next time I come to this house, you won't find what I will do funny." She said leaving in a fit of rage.

I went back to my room and started crying all over again, I think my tear gland will soon start malfunctioning.

Ya Allah ease my pain and give me a child of my own, am tried of miscarriages.

I cried my heart out, called my mom just to find out that mummy went there to confront umma, thankfully kaka stopped her or else it would have resulted to a catastrophe.

I took my bath, prayed Asr and got ready to welcome my husband from his trip to Abuja for a conference. After successfully setting up the dining table, I heard his car honk as he made his way into our parking lot.

I hugged him, inhaling the manly scent of his cologne, "I missed you Yaya" I whispered. "I miss you too princess."

He bathed, prayed magrib and ate the meal I prepared for him, we chatted watched movie, prayed Isha before we decided to call it a day.

We lay down as he engulfed me into his warm arms. Did I remember telling you I love cuddles? If No, well I am now.

After what felt like 10min I mustered up the courage to tell him my decision.


" Naam princess" he answered.

"Errmm..... Uhhmm..... W...what do.. you think about getting another errmm.... Wi...wife? I stuttered.

"Y are you asking me that? What did mummy told you? I was told she came here and I Know she wouldn't be up to anything good. He said, lacing his voice with anger.

"Calm down Yaya, it's not her fault please most mothers will do that for their children. I don't want to share you with anyone but I can't bear mummy getting angry at you." I explained.

"Haneefah listen to me, no one forced me to marry you, I never had any intention of getting another wife, so we will keep praying till Allah answers our prayers. As for mummy I'll talk to her so don't worry okay?"

Okay! I answered as he held me tighter, allowing sleep to take over the reigns.


Author's Note ❤️

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