⭐️Chapter One⭐️

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So, here I am, now aware that Noah was never in a relationship with Leah Brown; that he never cheated on me.
"I'm so sorry I never told you, Penny." Noah says.
"It's okay. Everything is sorted now. There's nothing to worry about."
"I'm never keeping any secrets from you, ever again, Inciting Incident." Noah responds, with an embarrassed grin.
"You better not." I say with a wink. "I'd hate to lose you again."
Noah smiles. Those cheekbones are so cute.
"So.. Um, Penny?"
"Yes?" I say, a bit nervous for what he might say next.
"I can't keep anything from you, so I thought I would tell you now rather than making it a surprise."
I changed from nervous to scared quickly. I guess he saw it on my face so he immediately says "Don't worry, it's good news." He grabs hold of my hands.
"Okay, what's the news?" Feeling the warmth of his hands holding mine feels so cozy and snug; especially with the chilly wind blowing in our hair.
"It's that... I've decided to move to the UK."
I gasp. "Oh my God! Are you serious?" I ask, with a voice so high it sounded like a squeak.
"Yup. I'm moving to the UK. In Brighton." Noah responds. He looks like he's hiding something.
"Oh my God this is the best day of my life!" I say, throwing my arms up in the air.
" I'm moving to the UK. In Brighton. In your neighbourhood." He says with a smile.
Well, I've discovered what he was hiding.
"Oh! I can't believe this! I'm dreaming, aren't I?" I respond, now dancing in circles, still with my arms in the air.
Noah laughs. "Fraid not, Inciting Incident. I felt so bad when I read your last blog post I wanted to make everything the way it was before; or even better. I had decided to come and talk about it. And if it had all been worked out, I would move to Brighton, so we can see each other everyday." Noah says with an even bigger smile.
I scream and jump on Noah and hug him.
"Whoa!" He yells while laughing as he falls to the ground. We are now out of breath, and laying on the rocks as we laugh our heads off.
"Penny?" He manages to say through all the laughs.
"Yes?" I say, and we suddenly stop laughing.
"I'm so glad I stayed to play that guitar. Im so glad we went on a Magical Mystery Tour together. I'm so glad I decided to take you on a picnic. I'm so glad we got along. I'm so glad you stayed over for Christmas and New Years. I'm so glad we worked things out. I'm so glad that you're my Inciting Incident."
This time, I'm the one to cup his face in my hands.
"I am too." I say, with a small smile.
"I love you, Penny."
"I love you too, Noah. So much." I respond.
And then we kiss. And again. And again. And again. We kiss until it's dark out.
"Oh! Noah! We have to get going! It's almost pitch black outside!" I say, shocked.
"Oh, crap. I move tomorrow, but I don't have a place to stay, unless..."
I think of what he might end his sentence with. I really hope it's... "Unless I spend the night at your place." He says, with a worried look on his face.
"Of course you can! But where will you sleep?" I ask, waiting for him to say it.
"Um, in your room? In your bed with you? If you don't want to it's totally fine, I would completely understa-"
"Yes. Follow me" I interrupt.
We walk to my house and put our pyjamas on.
"Here it is." I say, gesturing to my twin bed. "Will it be big enough for the two of us?"
"I think so. Goodnight, Penny." Noah says, getting himself under the covers.
"Goodnight, Noah." I peck him on the cheek before shutting the lights.

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