⭐️Chapter Three⭐️

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I walk to the lanes with Noah. The lanes is so much nicer now. Then I realize; it's because I'm seeing it with Noah. (He's holding my hand right now by the way... :)Which makes it even better.) My dad once told me that (I've blogged about this before) it's not the place, it's the people. If you go to a really awful place with the people you love, it will still be fun because you're with your loved ones.
Noah and I walk into a strange vintage store full of knickknacks. I see a doll with the exact same shade of auburn in her hair as me. She even has green eyes and a few freckles too!
"Oh my God. She looks just like Princess Autumn!" I point out to Noah.
A woman with black hair glares at me. I suppose hearing someone say a China doll looks just like a princess made up by a 4 year old isn't something that you'd hear everyday.
"Holy. That's actually crazy. Was there more of 'Princess Autumn' s fabricated at the same time?" Noah asks.
"I didn't think so before but now I guess there was." I answer, not too sure myself.
"I'm buying it."
"What? Why? I thought Bella already has a Princess Autumn?"
"She does. She's my only little sister, so I feel like I need to have something to remember her by, especially because I'm leaving New York to live here and won't be seeing her for a long time."
"Oh. That makes sense." I respond, completely understanding him.
"We'd like to buy this china doll, please." Noah says to the cashier.
"Alright... Would you like me to wrap it for you?" Noah and the cashier do the usual things when you buy something. Well, it's not as if they'll do the exact opposite. Sometimes I worry about my mentality.. Why do I think these things?
"Okay. Where to next?" Noah asks.
"Follow me!" I squeal, galloping out the shop.
Next we go in a café myself and Elliot always go to together.
"Chocolate milkshake, please." I order.
"Same as her." For some reason, I'm overwhelmed with happiness. I don't really know why; Noah only ordered the same thing as me.
"Okay. I'll be back with your orders very soon. Thank you!" The waitress is very polite.
"Thanks." Noah and I chorus.
"Are their milkshakes good?" Noah asks. "I thought that since you're ordering one they must be yummy."
"Oh, don't worry. They are absolutely divine. They're so delectable. They're so delicious." I say I my poshest voice.
"Here are your milkshakes. Have a great day and I hope to see you two here again sometime!" It's official. I love this waitress.
Yeah yeah, I know all waiters are supposed to be like that, but this specific waitress doesn't sound like she's exaggerating. She sounds like she means it. Well, I hope she means it.
Noah takes a sip of his milkshake. "Oh my God! These are grea- I mean.. This is divine. This is delectable. This is delicious." He says this with a grin.
We drink our milkshakes and monkey around for about 30 minutes.
"Alright. We should get ready for the rest of our sight-seeing trip." I state.
We put back on our jackets and exit the café.

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