20 ' Damn

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LV General Hospital - Sunday - 4:18 pm

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LV General Hospital - Sunday - 4:18 pm

I have been on and off sleep since this morning. I had my rape kit done, i wasn't raped. At least there was no signs of it, so thats a good thing. All i can do is keep thinking who would do this and why? I don't remember nothing after the start of that lap dance.

I laid here going over and over it in my head and nothing at all. Not a single thing I can remember.

"Have Shiye been still contacting you?" I asked Merc as she was falling to sleep while laying in the bed with me

"Nope, I haven't heard from him in months why baby?" She asked

"Because, just wondering" 

"I think he got the hint to leave me the hell alone finally" she laughed rubbing her stomach

"You think so? Because he could be anywhere at any time. Hell it could have been him that did this anyways"

"I don't know, try and get some sleep" she said

"I cant im sore, my damn eye is shut, im not even tired. I only keep going to sleep because this medication"

"Well Naz baby you need sleep, plus my father and Hari are going to bring the kids up here to see you later before bed"

"Okay, how is the baby?" I asked

"She is fine" she smiled looking up at me

"Names?" I asked

"Charlie" she said

"I actually like that" I said

"Knock knock" Achilles said

"Hey, come on in" I stated

"Oh mommy you eye?" Sophia said climbing on the bed

"Ouch mommy legs" I said

"Ohhh sorry. Look at you eye" she said sitting on my lap

"Mommy you okay?" Sian asked as Achilles was holding him

"Yes baby I am okay" I replied

"Do you want some juice?" Silas asked

"No baby I am alright, just a lit...."

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