21 ' Gone

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Iconic - Tuesday - 12:00

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Iconic - Tuesday - 12:00

I can not wait until I have this baby, I swear never again. This is it for me Naz better not say nothing about anymore damn kids ever again. Speaking of kids, I know Miya is sad that Miley and Molly are gone. Their aunt on their father side cam and got them last week. She really appreciated Miya keeping them for her. 

She haven't seen these kids since there were babies she said. That mother was a damn mess, I am glad them girls are back with family. 

"Hey girl" i said walking in

"Hey belly and baby i belly" Miya said walking from behind the counter

"Aww thats cute" I said to her about her outfit

"Well thanks" she smiling and spin in a circle

"What are you doing here?" she asked

"Oh just out walking, I want this damn baby out. I should have tried to talk to Naz into this" i laughed

"Y'all would have no baby" she laughed

"Girl I know" i smiled

"Have you heard from Shiye?" she asked me

"Nope thank god why?" i said looking at some shirts

"Well because I got this weird as email from an unknown sender, and I cant even reply. Talking about how you will pay for what happened to him Saqui and shit. Also that Shiye will do this and that. Talking about keeping your enemies closer than friends and shit" she said

"I don't who the fuck is this now " I said shaking my head

"How is Mika?" I asked

"She is doing amazing actually, trying to keep my cool. She is doing better, we just have to keep treatments and she has had chemo once. So we shall see" she said smiling making me smile

"That has to be scary" i said

"Yes losing someone well, lets pray but almost losing someone you love it hurts" she said

"Oh trust me I know all too well. I thought Naz was dead when he shot her, and Phia" i said

"Whew lawd a child at that. That man was fucking insane" Miya said

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