Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7, let's go!

Hawks' POV

Moment of panic engulfing me, quickly slipping my phone into my pocket, I rush to my room, straight to my closet. Do I even have anything to wear?
Ruffling through my clothes, drawers I soon come around a red fluffy fur leathered coat, bringing it closer to me. This could work if this was a date...WAIT! IS THIS CONSIDERED A DATE!?
Shaking my head in denial, no way she knows I'm not interested in anyone at the current moment. Sighing, my eyes focus themself on the coat in hand, my hand feeling through the fluffy fur of the coat.
Am I interested in anyone?
Spacing out, thoughts of Dabi comes engulfing me, dropping the coat onto the floor, shaking my head vigorously. NO NO NO! I shouldn't fall for a villain...but probably...
Slapping both my cheeks.
Moving my hands away from my face, sudden vibration from within my pocket, flinching quickly reaching in my pocket, taking out my phone checking my notation, viewing my eyes settling on an unknown message.
Clicking on the message reading.
"Hey Birdy!"
Flinching, I immediately knew who it was, texting back.
"How did you get my number?"
Waiting for a response, grabbing the coat off the floor soon placing it back into the closet, my phone vibrates glancing over to read.
"Would you like to know..."
What kind of reply is that?
Huffing, I text back.
"Yes, I would like to know that's why I asked!"
What a jerk putting me on read when he was the one texting me! Sighing, I glance at the time.
12:00 p.m.
I should probably get to sleep. Walking to the bed, flopping onto the bed, wings spread out laying, face first to the blankets, turning my head to its side, shutting my eyes.

Dabi's POV

Sitting in the bar, holding my phone out resting on the bar. Staring at my phone reading Hawks' messages. I'm shocked that he even replied. Hearing a voice behind me soon feeling weight on my back.
"Dabs whatcha doing?" Toga asks, leaning closer looking at my phone, "Too close..." I say, gently nudging her with my elbow.
"Aww!" She grumbled, moving away soon sitting next to me, "You still didn't answer my-" She says, cutting off, turning to see Shigaraki walking through purple warp portal.
"Handy!" Toga yells, hopping off the stool she was sitting on, turning away from Shigaraki.
"Dabi you have an assignment..." Shigaraki demands walking to the bar, "And?" I ask, now watching him sit one stool away from me.
"I think you'll be quite pleased by this assignment..." Shigaraki says, moving his hand slightly off his face. Raising an eyebrow, I turn my attention to him.
"I'd want you to bring the number 2 hero here..." He says, glaring at me from the corner of his eyes, after hearing that my body tenses.
"What! Why?" I ask, trying to relax, Shigaraki grins.
"Just say, I'd like to make a deal with him..." He says, covering his face back up, I turn away, moving myself off the stool, walking towards the door soon getting stopped by Shigaraki.
"Well?" He says, glaring at my direction, glaring back.
"I'll do it..." I reply, walking ones again, grasping onto the door, opening it, soon slipping through. Hearing laughter, as the door shuts.
Walking through the street alleys, watching my phone.
"He's probably asleep already..." I thought, putting my phone down, looking up at the stars above. Moon light shone on turquoise eyes, flames sparking off my skin.
"Keigo...I'll be seeing you again sooner then expected..."

(Time skip, morning)

Hawks' POV

Waking up to the sun shining at my eyes, flinching I shut my eyes, quickly sitting up, falling off my bed, hitting the floor wincing.
"Ow!" squeaks out, rubbing my butt, flapping my wings, raising myself up to my feet. Feathers flowing surrounding me, sunlight shone on my crimson red wings, glancing over to the time.
10:15 a.m.
Wow, it's not even the afternoon yet? I thought I slept in, turning I shrug. Oh well, might as well get something to eat then. Facing the door, walking towards it, out to the kitchen. Soon opening the fridge, searching through soon grabbing something, shutting the fridge door, I walk over to the couch with food hanging within my mouth, sitting down. Turning my attention to my phone, looking through the news for anything new, biting off the food. Sudden message pops up, top of my screen my eyes locking onto it, soon clicking it.
I read from unknown number or should I say Dabi... I thought I deleted him. Groaning, I text back.
"What you want?"
He quickly replies, geez he's a fast typer...
"Ouch, so cruel!"
Rolling my eyes, I text back.
"Oh shut it!"
Would he stop that!
"I didn't mean you putting me on read, you burnt bastard!"
I text him.
"Aww, I'm touched Birdy!"
Sudden voice coming from behind me, flinching almost dropping my phone, turning to see Dabi chuckling at me.
What the hell how did he!?
"WHERE?" I shout, flapping my wings, him looking at my wings flapping.
"Did you miss me that much?" He says, making me blush, turning away trying to stop my wings, "What no way, anyways are you going to answer me!" I say demanding, glancing over at him.
"A portal," He says, jumping over the couch, now sitting next to me, watching him, "Why are you here?" I ask, scooting away from him.
"For you, of course..." he says, looking over at me, blushing to the response, I quickly turn away.
Why did that make me flush?
His eyes locking onto me, nervously I stand up, walking off.
"Where are you going?" He asks watching me, "BATHROOM!" I shout, walking faster, I could feel my heart beating fast, but why?
Turning a corner I walk into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me, leaning against the door, watching clutching my chest.
"Why..." I thought, slowly sliding down my wing covering over me.
"What's going on have I really..."
Tightening my hold on my chest, feeling my heart, suddenly feeling a vibration coming from my pocket, quickly moving my hand away from my chest, taking out my phone, shaking checking my messages, new one from Rumi.
"Hey Hawks!"
I read, quickly I call her without hesitation.
"Please answer..." I mumble, gripping my phone.
I hear on the other side of the phone.
"RUMI!" I yell, shaking.
"Hawks what's wrong?" She asks, "Did something happen? Are you okay?"
"I'm alright...I guess..." I reply, putting the phone closer, "I just need to talk with you..."
"About?" She questions, I take a breath, "Love..." I mumbled, I could hear lots of wrestling on the other side, flinching, "Rumi?" I ask, concerned by the sounds.
"YOU HAVE A CRUSH!?" She yells suddenly, jumping I wasn't prepared for a jump scare.
"Um...maybe, I don't know!" I reply, nervously.
"OH MY GOD WHO, WHO IS IT?" She demands, making me even more nervous and flashed then before, "Hush, you're loud!" I shout.
"Oh sorry..." She whispers, I sigh.
"It's fine," I reply, I could hear squealing.
"Anyways, don't dodge my question, WHO IS IT?" She says, I stiffened.
"Um..." I mumble, I can't tell her that it could be Dabi...what do I say?
"I'll tell you face to face, alright!" I say, "Alright? Then at lunch!" She says, blinking.
"Oh, alright-" I cut myself off to hearing a loud thud, flinching I turn my head moving my phone away from my ear.
"What was that?"

That's was longer, then I was going for!
Thanks for reading!
Hope to be seeing you all in the next chapter, BYE!

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